
Nothing gives me as much pleasure as knowing how much President Barrack Hussein Obama chafes their asses. They can refuse to call him president and check his papers but he is still in charge!

That’s called *business*, by the way...

To me, things like this aren’t about the undecideds so much as the reluctant decideds. I think there are a lot of “decided” voters who are voting Trump because they’re Republicans and feel like they have to. This is one election where some well worded editorials and pleas from people they respect may actually get

I dunno, I think it was more surprising that he admitted to not knowing THE MOST about NATO. I mean, we’re talking about a man who has said he knows more about ISIS than “the generals”.

I just read a report earlier that said Ford is already planning to dig tunnels under the wall to get those cars out of Mexico. That way, they’ll avoid paying that tax because they are smart.

I don’t think we need to forever be in the mode that nothing she does can be good enough. She beat his ass; he’s not going to do better; he HAS to do better to win.

I will never understand racist white people’s obsession with Chicago.

I love* how Hillary being cheated on is a mark against her.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

Regarding the conservatives vs feminists faux pas: I don’t care either way, as long as you keep making plus size stuff I can wear to work. People who give me dresses with pockets can do whatever they want.

Same here! Except I do pee in the shower. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

There’s nothing that points to it being in the family, though. Despite media leaks, Patsy’s handwriting was never actually matched to the ransom note. The DNA found on the body definitively did NOT match anyone in the family. There is literally no evidence to connect the family to the crime other than it happened to

Yes they could have just called 911. Burke never would have been charged with anything, even if he purposely hit her. He would have been too young to charge.

I’m totally reading every last post about this divorce, but is anyone else starting to hate themselves for it just a little?

My first thought as well. As far as terrorist attacks go, this is pretty lame. Getting stabbed is no picnic, I’m sure, but as a bystander, I do not feel awed by the might of the Islamic State.

seven of those stabbed have already been treated and released from area hospitals. One remains hospitalized, though none of the injuries were deemed life-threatening.

This I believe is true. Not to give them any credit, but true bigots have actually given some thought to their prejudices and why they feel the way they do, as deranged as they are. Donald is simply prejudiced against anyone who isn’t Donald Trump. Anyone - wives, ex-wives, and even his children. Does anyone believe

He says whatever will work or feels right in the moment.

No views after dark, I wouldn’t think, unless maybe twinkling village lights off in the distance. And without a heater those bathrooms would get a little nippy.