Ahahahahahaha. Of course.
Ahahahahahaha. Of course.
“They have to! I pay them YUUUGE amounts of money to like me!”
Consumer America which consumed Trump Steakwateruniversitywine in amounts approaching zero.
I’m still hoping for a coup during the RNC. Come on Republicans, make me somewhat like you!
Of course he can’t be anti-Semitic. I mean, just look at his official policy position on Israel:
I have this deep seeded feeling that not matter how awful the things said, the lack of a gun would have meant everyone got out alive....
This is the thing: the NRA members, the gun rights activists, never seem to understand that they’re only a good guy with a gun until they’re a bad guy with a gun. YES, YES, WE WANT TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY, BECAUSE YOU MIGHT USE THEM TO KILL PEOPLE, YOUNG CHILDREN, MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, WHOEVER.
So we’re not the only country with an incredibly unfair and two tiered justice system? Great. Parents whose stupidity and proud ignorance kills their own child 3-4 months. Rich preppy unapologetically rapes a woman behind a dumpster, summer in prison. Cops kill unarmed citizens on film, no trials (generally) but when…
I was going to say: maybe they’ve been punished enough, until I came to the part where the husband opened his mouth.
To hell with the 22nd Amendment. This guy has certainly earned a long vacay, but we need him to hang around for another four years.
Following by a Northern Ireland vote to join Ireland and a Welsh vote for independence.
At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.
Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.
She couldn’t win at Candyland even if she was coached by a five year old and cheated.
This is clearly reverse discrimination. I can just feel that this monument is making me less of a person because I am not gay.
Have a great Pride weekend everyone!
Though we have expected the news for some time, President Barack Obama just made it official: The Stonewall Inn, a…
I would say, “what’s it going to take for things to change? A congressman being killed by their spouse in a domestic dispute? A congressman’s daughter? Son?”
Women are five times more likely to be murdered if their abuser has a gun.
“Hope Hicks” sounds like Trump’s entire campaign strategy.
the Star Trek fandom is really sad right now. People are blogging how they just know when “Dedicated to the memory of...” appears on the credits of Star Trek: Beyond they know they’ll lose it... :-(