
I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.

IDK, I could get behind that platter of what appears to be fried mystery balls garnished with skewers of bacon stuffed with cheese.

No. Personally I’m more interested in Donald Trump’s ties to Roy Cohn and the mafia. That’s a lot more newsworthy.

This could not be a hotter take if it were made from a 17 story dumpster fire.

In other news, hikers in sylvan settings often encounter ursine spoor.

Thanks I needed this laugh!!!

Thank you. I agree. Trump has given me the chills fron the beginning. He is no fucking joke. The amount of scum he can rally is nothing but frightening and disgusting.

My father, who is a survivor and lost most of his family in Auschwitz, has been saying that for months. That the way Trump is phrasing it and the way some people are frothing at the mouth supporting it sounds eerily like Hitler’s rhetoric and what set Germany on the path to the Holocaust.

Really don’t think it’s in bad taste, because for once the Nazi reference fits the bill.

I don’t think it’s even in bad taste. Putting the holocaust on some kind of “nothing will ever be that bad again” pedestal only serves to ensure that we won’t notice until after something is that bad again because all apt comparisons were considered to be “bad taste”.

How is it in bad taste to bring up historically accurate information which mirrors the Republican candidate’s stated ideology?

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.

Was it in bad taste? Yes. Do we need to shock people into waking up and realizing that this kind of rhetoric isn’t ok and leads to horrific action? Also yes.

Oh, didn’t you know? As soon as you say you’ve been raped veryone starts throwing money at you and praising you - not dragging your name and reputation through the mud, examining every tiny move you’ve ever made, and calling you a lying slut. I don’t know what alternative world he’s living in, but I’d really like to

Where’s the money, then, asshole?

I wear a pretty minimal amount of make up and I still wear 10+ products when I go out to dinner or something. It adds up if you know what you’re doing.

Am I the only woman who likes spiders, wasps, bees and reptiles and thinks they’re cool? Kudos to the passenger who saved one of the spiders.

Looking forward to the low-budget direct-to-cable Goats on a Boat.

The long-awaited sequel to Snakes on a Plane: Spiders on Gliders.

I don’t get the appeal of letting strangers stay in your home. You know that they are snooping through everything.