
You’re ignoring what these “attacks” actually are. You seem more concerned with the (mis)notion that these women lack thick skins than you are with the fact that there are individuals who feel it’s okay to threaten female reporters with rape. What do you think the real problem here is?

That’s .... Not a very good comparison, my friend. “Should pilots have to hear degrading and threatening comments about themselves from the passengers throughout the duration of every flight?” would be more accurate.

While no one can track down anonymous trolls using Twitter, it helps to have people say “This is awful!” as opposed to “Women just need to get thicker skin, everyone deals with stuff like this.” Acknowledging that there is a difference between most of the harassment women deal with versus what men are subjected to is

Chevrolet’s tribute:

And tucked into a pair of sweatpants too, where it could easily fall out, hit the ground and go off accidentally. In fact the chances of that happening seem far more likely than this loser actually saving the day with his gun.

It’s not privilege, it’s not being a paranoid nutjob with a persecution complex.

I saw a guy in Trader Joe’s, Sunday morning at 9am (yes, I am a noted square) with a fucking gun on the belt of his sweatpants. Trader Joe’s, where I live, at that time, is pretty much empty, and he looked like he rolled out of bed otherwise.

I’m fairly certain that if it had happened under a republican president, none of these assholes would question it. But they’re all convinced that Obama is the devil and trying to take their guns and their freedom. Even though none of that has happened. Instead we have mass shootings every damn day - which you’ll note

There’s a Sandy Hook case that’s way worse than this. Some guy has constantly & egregiously harassed the family of one of the slain kindergartners, even going so far as to say the child never existed and the parents made him up.

Well, look at it this way. His delusion allows him to feel like HE’S the one being victimized by the Sandy Hook shooting - since it was “fake” in order for the government to “take his guns”.

There’s an intense need on the part of some pretty unpersecuted people to feel persecuted.

Was he a doctor performing a medical test? No? Then, yes, he sexually molested that person.

Her hair looks cute. I'm not seeing the unprofessional because it looks neat and clean to me. I think braids are professional.

Now this child is going to grow up and never come out of her room because they let her stay in as long as she likes. Terrible parenting.

Just goes to show:

The sad part is, “Mostly fuck me because I’m the worst” was actually his pick-up line when he was a wrestling coach.

Yep. But I also feel awful for him because he must have so much internalized self-hatred.

When rich, old, white men sexually abuse minors, it’s a “mistake in judgment”.

Police are not good tools of discipline at a school. They often cause the situation to escalate instead of calm down. It takes a different skill set to handle discipline and maintaining order in schools. Middle school is rough and trying.

And we have a thick skin. I’m explaining to my ten-year-old son and he understands too. He needs to get thick skin. You know, it’s life. Life is not a bowl of cherries.”

Actually, don’t fuck James Deen.