If the Dems were smart and strategic, they’d paint the GOP as pro-Zika, because their policies *totally are*.
If the Dems were smart and strategic, they’d paint the GOP as pro-Zika, because their policies *totally are*.
I don’t buy it. Unless LSD has changed tremendously in the last 20 years, violence and acid don’t really go together. I was always too busy having really intense conversations and laughing. Paranoia didn’t factor in as it might with MJ.
Meh. I don’t have a problem with Obama continuing on with a pretty important/historic trip. It didn’t happen on American soil. What is Obama supposed to do, rush home and watch CNN?
The GOP playbook calls for blaming Obama for any and everything from stubbing your toe when waking up in the morning to terrorist attacks abroad.
Hey, I’m covered under a religious plan (spouse is a clergyperson) and my insurance covers contraception AND abortion for any reason I want.
I think once you take a single cent of public money, you void your right to cry about you religious views. Take government money, follow the law.
I love that, for these people, filling out a two page form is an "undue burden" but 48 hour waiting periods and making women drive 400 miles to the nearest Women's Health clinic isn't.
I just can’t with all of this. It’s so fucking depressing to watch. I mean, obviously, Heidi Cruz has mental health issues, Melania Trump is an immigrant married to a xenophobe
Other than hatred? Visceral revulsion is all I got.
Screw You, Trump, for making me feel something other than hatred for Cruz.
Everybody should be able to be fragile. Everybody should be able to call the cops. Everybody should be able to trust the cops. Everybody should not be prepared to watch the cops kill somebody if they call them. Cops should not shoot as the first option. Cops should not shoot as the second options. Cops should not…
What about the fact that the original mental issues she suffered from were likely caused by being deprived of oxygen at birth? She was forcibly kept in her mother’s birth canal for two hours because if she was born before the doctor arrived he wouldn’t receive his full fee.
Why would anybody want to be in his will? He’ll probably just leave you with a crap ton worth of crushing debt and maybe a few, freezer burnt steaks.
Turds of a feather clump together?
They were Kennedys. Honestly, what Fitzgerald wrote about the Buchannans could have easily been about the Kennedys -they were careless, rich people who didn't care who they hurt as long as they came out alright.
She's not engaging Trump at all. She's attempting to rally democratic voters to show up to the polls to vote against him. She knows no one on his side is listening to her.
I saw that and people have no idea why the other five kids didn’t go to dinner with their grandfather. I mean I don’t believe each one had an emergency where they could not make it, but what if the one you were sending death threats to did?
The media didn’t change the rules. The cultural revolution and feminism changed the rules; they redefined marriage. Women deserve so much more than to be sold into marriages for social and political reasons to a man who will neither love nor be faithful to them. They deserve more than suffering the humiliation of…
Prince Philip calling queen Elizabeth “cabbage” just warms my cold commonwealth heart.