Sorry. It just freaking kills me that there are, you know, VOTERS who believe this shit. It’s like the idiots who believe that climate scientists are all involved in some mass conspiracy to positively review each others’ papers and keep those sweet government research funding dollars rolling in.
“I’m science 101, big time guy, tech advance it, you know it, I’m all in.”
Or Bieber. I think Bieber really might be in the cards at some point.
I now have the perfect image of Kylie Jenner farting while Justin Bieber gets slapped.
Women should not have to pay from their pockets for their health more than men pay for their testicle cancers.
PP has done good work for many, many years! Helping educate and help women and men and babies! The videos are disgusting fictions and show the lengths the GOP will go to move forward their obscene agenda. The GOP have truly unleashed the hounds of misogyny! Poor women in particular will be harmed by the lack of access…
Once again, stupidity and dishonesty on full display.
Apparently treating women like capable adults is a foreign concept to you shitheads.
The sad thing is that it should be free for everyone, everywhere on behalf of basic public safety.
I’ve had good vegetarian burgers (and I eat real burgers). They’re only good when they’re not trying to taste like meat.
A proper black bean burger, or a proper mushroom burger? Amazing. A frozen soy pattie? Not so much.
I'll have it on a burger once in a while, but do not even THINK of putting it on my salad. Unless you want a plate thrown at you.
I’m not a vegetarian, but Bread Soda in Glover Park (for DC folks) serves an amazing veggie burger with bacon. The fact that it’s a veggie burger helps you taste and appreciate the bacon more than you would with a regular burger IMO.
Shoreditch hasn’t been even remotely affordable for at least a decade. There’s an Ace Hotel right around the corner from that cafe. There are tons of incredibly expensive shops all around that area. Targeting that shitty cafe is quite odd.
Well, obviously launching a physical assault on any business is not constructive, but I think the resentment long time residents might feel about a place that is clearly intended to serve the people pricing them out of their homes is understandable and not entirely unfair, independently owned or not. Those businesses…
The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.
I just know that at some point before I die I'm going to see a package of hamburger with a warning label "Contains meat." and it's going to be because of one of these idiots.
That’s sort of my take on it too. If it makes her closest loved ones feel better and maybe encourages (if the relationship is a good one) the boyfriend and the parents to keep in touch and support each other, then I say fine. It’s just strange that it made Facebook, let alone the papers.
I think the only thing that bothers me is that we know about this. If the boyfriend had a good relationship with her parents and quietly went to them and asked if he could buy a ring, and they were ok with it, and if they had planned on engagement, ok. I just don’t know why it has to be on social media and in the…