
Absolutely. They create gerrymandered districts comprised of only Republican voters, who are increasingly polarized. So they ONLY have to appeal to them.

I wonder if insane gerrymandering has anything to do with the uptick in far right crazies in Congress. Moderate GOP’ers thought they were assuring their party’s future in Washington by cultivating Republican districts; what they were doing was encouraging its rightward move and their own demise.

Oh, FFS, even the Pope is like “America, you have bigger things to worry about than abortion and gay marriage” Shutting down the government and forcing the Speaker to resign over this is insane.

I give Johnny a ton of credit. He had an objectively horrible job, and he kept at it for years because he knew he was the only person standing in the way of what *THOSE* Republicans wanted to do.

I want some brave woman to date one of these guys, put a bit of bacon up there, and when it falls out during sex, tell them that that’s what a hymen looks like. “Oh, yeah, it’s supposed to smell hickory-smoked, that’s how you can tell I’m a for-real virgin”

Being broken up with by a guy like that is seriously him doing her a favor. Because fuck that guy.

Um, I’m okay with MRAs narrowing their chances of marrying/fucking any women at all. This sounds like risk reduction.

“precum pregnant” is one hell of a bummer of a phrase

One 24-year-old woman told me that her boyfriend broke up with her because ‘he told me that I wasn’t girlfriend material because I had been with 10 guys

All of these policies are designed to get people to buy booze on-board, not to curb drinking. Believe me, there are no cruise ships without people drinking COPIOUS amounts of alcohol.

Ah. Makes sense. I’ve never noticed “greasy”; I prefer “unctuous”. That may be my methodology though. Yes, I go full boil for anywhere from 4-8 hours, but my pot is crammed full to the brim with saved up onion, carrot, and celery trimmings along with the animal carcass. There’s no room for a churning boil so the bulk

Can someone explain to me why I am constantly seeing “clarity” mentioned as a virtue of stock? As long as it is flavorful and doesn’t have chewy/gritty bits floating around I don’t care if it is as opaque as used motor oil. When I make stock it gets strained through a fine gold mesh coffee filter. It gets out any

Scott Walker: the zebra mussel of elected officials.

The important thing is that Fiscally Conservative Regular Guy’s Hero Scott Walker signed a bill throwing $250 million at the Bucks and they can still leave Milwaukee.

He also turned down federal funds for Chicago-Milwaukee-Green Bay/Madison HSR. It was all federal money that would’ve given Milwaukee (and Madison) a huge boost and he shot it down.

You mean Hot Pork Balloon Trump

Scott Walker can fuck right off and apologize to all the public sector employees he’s demonized and dramatically changed the lives of. Scott Walker is a complete asshole. You can fuck off too.

Lake Michigan has enough problems with pollution and invasive species, it doesn’t need Scott Walker mucking it up any further.

It still stands as overall the best written story ever submitted. “Breadsticks, for the mouth part of your face.” still kills me.