
“I’m going to share the shit out of it.”

This bums me out. In my city, they have billboards to the effect of “don’t shake your baby”. And at first I laughed out loud. Like who doesn’t know that you can’t shake babies? What? And then I realized that apparently lots of people. And these are the people raising our next generation. We are all doomed. Kidding not

I almost feel like, if you willingly signed up for Trump University, you deserve what you got?

Paleo is the absolute worst diet fad of the last 30 years and the amount cult-thinking and junk science used to prop it up is absolutely staggering. And I say that having had conversations with “breatharians” who come off as way more logical and amenable to reason than the paleo fanatics*.

I am cracking up at the Kazoo one. Literally dying.

Dear contributors to today’s BCO, I’d like you all to know that you’re the wind beneath my wings, & an inspiration to us all. I promise to skewer a troll in honour of each & every one of you.

I feel like every “Friend of the owner” should get smacked down hard as often as necessary. If you were truly a friend of the owner you wouldn't be trying to exploit that fact to cage free food and drink.

Her big hair wig was hilariously on point.

Just giving him directions to Mountain Meadows...

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

They are married to him.

Well that’s no surprise. Something makes me doubt that mothers have been sterilizing their breasts seven times a day for the past few millenia, and yet we’re all still here.

Yeah, this. The whole bridesmaid dress thing is SO. FUCKED. UP. I mean, if you want your “bridesmaids” (also, so 1950s) to wear a specific dress, then why isn’t it the tradition that the bride pay for it?! I just don’t understand.

If these were just a couple of lucky rich people who decided they wanted to live their lives as Victorian-era cosplayers...well, I’d find that odd, but fuck, it’s their time and money and it doesn’t hurt anyone. You want to play dress up with your life and you have the money to do it? God bless.

At least she isn’t allowed to vote.

It is a common trick by alcoholics when they drink in front of people who know they have a drinking problem. Because apparently they think you won’t notice them going from sober to drunk.

Quick question: who puts vodka in a water bottle and carries it around? This dude has different hydration needs.

Oh, lot’s of people will consider that fat simply because it’s not skinny. That’s our fucked up society.

Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a

I can think of easier money hustles than accusing someone of rape.