
You’re the one for me!

No sane person would put their hands right onto a bowl after a server specifically told them that it was hot. The Korean restaurant I worked at routinely served food in bowls/on plates that were boiling hot, and when people were told as much, they did not touch them and therefore did not get burned. Not sure what you

That probably says something about the dearth of well-known First Nations actors more than anything, but Graham Greene would be perfect as Don.

Is it weird that I mentally cast Don as Graham Greene?

A few nights ago, one of my Papa Johns co-workers fell down as he was about to put a pizza in the oven. Amazingly, he still got the pizza into the oven even as he was falling down. It was pretty remarkable.

They came from an hour away with a thirst for loafage,

You are on a spectacular streak of being wrong about everything this week. It’s actually kind of impressive.

Ah. After the last the last couple of weeks, these stories are sooooo satisfying. This:

I... don’t think that’s really what it means though. “If you wouldn’t buy it at full price” doesn’t mean “if you would only buy it after finding the best price” - choosing to wait for a sale because you don’t need it now, shopping around, and trying to haggle are all legitimate strategies. The warning is to avoid

I lost my uterus (I like to say “misplaced” b/c it gets good looks from people) a while back, and it’s a sucky thing to go through. Since I’m sure Kim K is scouring the Jez comments for advice, wink, here are some good things to focus on:
1. You’ll never have to buy tampons again, and you can re-purpose your existing

It’s the supply and demand — if her place was still standing after Katrina, then it was part of a much lower supply of housing, so — rent goes up. It’s disgusting, and it’s immoral, and it’s the way a free market works to keep folks in their place. It makes me really sad.

This is so fucked up. I’ve been listening to the Death, Sex, and Money podcast’s series on this and it’s stunning* to me how this country can still turn its back on entire cities of people while they suffer and then try to scrub their existence clean once the citizens attempt to make their homes habitable again.

Turkey bacon is pretty disgusting but turkey sausage is fucking delicious.

How about instead you honor Ms. Bland’s memory by firing the cop who unjustly arrested her.

I’m happy they are honoring her memory, but it would be even better if we had more concrete answers as to what actually happened to her that day. My thoughts are with her family, friends, & the whole community. RIP Sandra.

Every street in this country is Sandra Bland Parkway.

Leave it to a dude from Indiana to not understand the difference between loving your sibling and loving your partner. And I say this as someone from Indiana.

Same here— first with Christianity as a kid (my mom is Jewish but we did a stint at a church for awhile) and later with Judaism as an adult (my husband is Jewish). I’m convinced that some people, including me, just don’t have the gene for it. I was like 7 and asking really weird questions and going, no, I think if

Weird thing is, Jesus took on all of mankind’s sins for all time and got crucified, those other two guys got the same treatment for just being thieves, stealing hubcaps or whatever.

Blood sacrifice. You used to have to perform all sorts of rituals and kill specific animals in specific places in specific ways in order to be absolved of your sins. So, according to the theology, God basically performed the ultimate blood sacrifice (his own son who was both fully God and fully human—look, I never