
The Roman Catholic church doesn’t like divorce, but will consider an annulment once a civil divorce has been completed - if the annulment request is granted, then the participants are free to remarry. This is a similar stance to most Christian churches, and some don’t even require an annulment by the church. As for

That is the mentality of a man who has never been held accountable for anything in his God forsaken life. I knew many men like this growing up.

I Googled the brother and found a story from a few years ago that mentioned him. He and his wife adopted and apparently adoption is a no-no according to their crazy religion because the child “carries the sins of the parents.” What the actual fuck? Team Anna’s Brother indeed!

I’m not religious myself but I get tired of all the religion bashing because assholes will asshole with or without religion. Plus, Jesus seems like a pretty awesome guy with the love everyone and help the needy attitude.

I think it’s the idea that God killing his son, someone SO overwhelmingly pure and good, for no reason, makes up for the sins of everyone else. As long as you like, recognize that or something.

His sin sent a guy to the cross 2000 years ago?

Spelling and grammatical issues aside, #TeamAnnaDuggarsBrother

“My husband and I are vegan. My daughter is vegetarian and both of them are allergic to gluten, lactose, shellfish, soya, onions, peppers and GM foods.” I’m assuming the kids survive on eating air, then. Assuming it’s not red air, cause they’d probably be allergic to that too.

Jesus. Do you know how much it would suck to die from CF? Imagine not being able to breath. Yes, that’s what it would feel like. And to have her body tampered with? Can’t you just let this young woman rest in peace?!

Upon delivery, the child complained that the boardwalk in Wildwood just isn’t as cool as it used to be.

Everytime I see women in the summer wearing pancake thin, flat as boards, sandals, I cringe.

Nope, just Asperger’s. Besides, if your child with autism wanted the grilled chicken teriyaki without grill lines, wouldn’t you slip a note to the server or speak to them elsewhere and ask that they use baked chicken instead?

A lot of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders have sensory issues—they don’t like certain textures, noises, tastes, etc. Someone with an ASD might not like grill marks on his/her food or the texture of food prepped a certain way. (I admit to being a somewhat picky eater, but I try to be polite and work with the

And for all the people who are going to be like “But have you ever dealt with a snotty, screamy, picky-as-fuck kid?” I say, the problem is not the picky kid here. The problem is that the dad had no fucking clue that grill marks are made by cooking chicken on a grill. Dude. Do you live on Earth?

We’re coming home along the Thruway and decide to stop at McD’s. There’s a woman and smallish kid in front of us getting huffy and I can tell this won’t end well. And in due time she starts yelling at the cashier, “Why is everything more expensive here? This is ridiculous! You’re ripping people off!” and so on, as the

Absolutely not defending Starbuckshacker guy, but yeah, some manager at some point should have banned that fucker a long time ago. Managers can be the worst horrible customer enablers.

How inhumane!

You’re supposed to put the matador out of his misery after you defeat him, Bull.

Well thank you! And sure, we don’t have waffles, but we do have jaffles, so at worst, I think we’re even.

I find it highly confusing when someone who purposely got a tribal arm band tattoo makes sane, logical arguments.

You know the old saying. “Even a clock made exclusively out of vile human garbage is right twice a day.”