
It reminds me of the kind of treatment myself and other people of color occasionally get from the nice, white liberal folks that make up the majority of my city. They’re so concerned with anyone of color showing anger towards any racism that they’re confronted with.

What exactly would “violent retribution” look like? Who would you target? Where?

I believe that their faith asks them to forgive. I would think respect should be given to that choice.

“you don’t turn nobody down.”

Man. I was raised by an atheist and an agnostic, and while I believe what I believe, I’ve never felt that there was any necessity for a third party to stand between me and whatever I believe in. And so many people who call themselves Christians drive me absolutely batshit.

I am not a religious person, but horrific events like these senseless and brutal murders help me understand why religion can be such a force for good and for love. The strength, the faith, the acceptance of a fate greater than their own....the members of this church are true Christians in every sense of the word.

I’m with you on this!

The people who pronounce it wrong, and then pronounce “pieces” wrong so it rhymes with how they say “Reese’s” (ree-cees pee-cees) are the worst.

Because he surrounds himself with yes men/women he has started to believe that all of his random ideas are brilliant. Because they tell him so.

As someone who very recently quit their job, I feel like I need to interject. Losing or quitting your job qualifies you for special enrollment, meaning that you do not need to wait for open enrollment to be insured. Yes, open enrollment is a limited time; however, there are various life events that qualify you for

Women who call other grown women girls and think that feminism is about referring to women as “womyn” are the reason I have a growing drug problem and an intimate relationship with my middle finger.

Please don’t insult cats this way. No respectable cat would ever agree to sit on his head, or anywhere near him. I don’t think he has ever had any pets at all.

How many people are surprised that every single thing this bloviating asshole says and does is complete and utter bullshit?

When I was reading that part, I kept thinking that THIS is why we need a single payer health care system. It is ridiculous to have to rely on your employer for health care to be on a transplant list. I know the Affordable Care Act changes that, but the system is still so complex.

Holy shit, how is this hard for people? If you are getting food on sale (AYCE, promotion, gift certificate, etc) or free, you TIP BASED ON THE NORMAL PRICE! You are tipping for the service. The service is not on sale/free just because the food is.

He faked the resignation just to watch John Oliver drink a Bud Light Lime.

I think that anyone who is maybe not batshit insane but is still horrible has become the new moderate GOP.

The GOP will never get it. People didn’t go for Sarah Palin on the ticket in 2008 because well she is Sarah Palin. Voters in IL didn’t go for Alan Keyes in the 2004 senate race because he is also crazy.

There's nothing to "not get." It's a personal tribute to a woman who single-handedly raised two kids who didn't turn out to be assholes, written by a person whose job it is to be funny. I thought it was cute. High five to the writer's mom. Not everything is critical theory.