
I have to admit that the sour cream blondie sounded good. I’ve really enjoyed very sweet desserts with barely- or not-sweet creme fraiche on top. And I like sharp cheddar cheese with sweet pumpkin or banana bread.

Isn’t it weird and obnoxious when people try to tell other people how they should grieve after a loss?

I cracked up laughing over Pizza Rat. But “What Color Is The Dress” is pure genius!

Faces of meth ....

The committee was obviously making a statement about how much of the world viewed the previous incarnation of the U.S. government. Obama, of course, had zero input into the decision, and neither did his party. Nobel committees don’t accept nominations from the outside, much less lobbying.

The thing is, for every one of these reputed “best of the best” prizes that are awarded, there are probably dozens to hundreds of people who are equally deserving. (The difference between Olympic gold and bronze is essentially a matter of luck, given that everyone in the field is excellent at what they do.) A

If they’re seriously concerned about the neurological health of babies, they have no business spurning vaccines. Polio causes paralysis. Whooping cough and diphtheria (which used to be called “the strangling angel”), can interfere with breathing badly enough to cause brain injury. Measles can cause encephalitis. And

I don’t do nicotine in any form, but I don’t have any problems with people who like vaping. Maybe firsthand or secondhand vapor isn’t healthy, but when I’m around cigarette smoke, my eyes water, my nose burns and stuffs up, and I can actually taste the stuff for a few minutes afterwards. My smoker/vaper friends can

Your unicorn kitty has viceroy wings! Yay!

I see what you did there! :-)

Whoa, that’s one helluva Scolopendra sp.!

I think I knew one of your grandparents!

Somewhere in this apartment, I have a picture of me standing next to a sheet under a blacklight in the Sonora Desert at night, in the company of several dozen fellow antenna-heads.. I have flying insects landing on my clothes and on my face. I think some big moths are flapping in my hair. And I’m wearing the biggest

I dated this nice guy in college. Stayed together for two years. Like a lot of college relationships, it eventually ran its course. We broke up amicably and stayed friendly, though not at all close.

I had a similar reaction! It wasn’t something to which I’d paid much attention. I was raised nominally Catholic but haven’t been religious since adolescence. Mr. Sububi was raised in a mainstream/liberal Protestant denomination; he’s not especially religious either but was still a regular churchgoer when I met him. I

That’s unbelievable. My MOH (my only attendant) was trying to conceive while we were planning the wedding. She asked what to do if she got pregnant. I told her we’d just find her a bigger dress.

I was three weeks short of 32. Go for it!

Yow. My mom was 68 when she did the MOTB thing on my behalf.

Thousand Island dressing plus hot sauce would be absolutely awesome on either a meat or veggie burger. I’ll have to whip up a batch of Three Mile Island burgers at home soon!

Naaaahhhh, you are but an egg. Happy birthday!