
That actually sounds great, especially if there are spicy condiments on the sandwich.

I used to live near a vegetarian cafe that made awesome chickpea-walnut burgers. The dish was vegan as long as you didn’t order it with cheese; I’m amazed by how well they got the patties to hold their shape in the absence of eggs. Mr. Sububi and I, neither of us vegetarian, used to love those things doused with

They sometimes look at me a little funny in coffee shops when I order a soy or almond milk hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. And I usually wind up explaining that I’m not vegan. I’m lactose-intolerant, so if I forget to carry Lactaid with me, I can’t drink more than a very tiny amount of milk. But whipped

Huckabee is and always has been a clueless, self-important blowhard. He’s Donald Trump with more religion and less money.

Not mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, if we want them to destroy themselves, it’s not going to happen quickly.

Stories like this make me really glad that I got Hep A vaccine. Didn’t get it until I was 49; it was recommended because I was traveling to an area where it might have been a risk.

I’m sure my mother must have consumed at least six cups a day while she was pregnant with me. She had a heroic capacity for coffee.

Mine broke — painlessly, with very slight bleeding — the second time I had sex. We weren’t doing anything especially awkward (at least for two only very recent non-virgins); we probably just got our junk together at an angle that was conducive to cherry-popping.

This doesn’t surprise me. Everything that goes into a pressure cooker comes out with much more flavor. Everything that goes into a slow cooker comes out tasting like nothing.

That’s really sad. Stonewall was a historic event, and it really deserves a good film that will do it justice.

I’ve loved broccoli since childhood. Wasn’t until I was well into my fifties that I learned that some people, especially in childhood, perceive its taste as bitter. I thought this was weird, until I realized that I perceive the taste of chocolate cake as bitter. Not cocoa-bitter, which can be very pleasant for me, but

I’m imagining one of these jerks asking a woman “Are you a cat lady?” and her asking him “Are you my alternative?”* And I have to say that cats have never sounded so good.

“Things our mothers and sisters had to hear” isn’t all that far from some white guy who thinks he can drop N-bombs because “I have black friends”.

Exactly. My husband and I have made some decisions knowing that they would decrease our income or our net worth. Some we were happy with, some we weren’t, some we’re still figuring out. We’re not rich and we never will be. But we don’t have kids or a mortgage (both by choice), so our options are different from those

No, she didn’t say that other people should quit their jobs if they hated them. She never said that it was good to go into debt. It’s a story about her personal experience, not career advice for other people.

Her ex-boyfriend was invited to the Republican National Convention as a reward for getting her pregnant — an act that required much less brainpower than building a clock.

Congrats and best wishes, Mark and Allen!

The sad thing is that most tomatoes eaten in this country are little more than soggy cardboard. I try not to be a food snob, but I can only stand tomatoes for the two months or so each year that they’re available freshly field-grown in my area. Sometimes supermarket tomatoes “on the vine” aren’t too terrible, but

I have an interesting relationship with evening caffeine. A cup of strong coffee will keep me awake if I drink it too late, but a small dose between 8 and 10 pm not only helps me sleep, but makes it easier to wake up the next morning. A small cup of brewed tea is sufficient.

May have to try this! I rarely eat scrambled eggs, mostly because I can’t stand even the tiniest browned or crisp area on them. This method looks like a win!