
Ok, it is not sci-fi but I am going to have to say Friends.

Mercator is not used in aviation except for some charts close to the equator. Most charts use Lamberth's conformal conic projection. Polar charts use polar stereographic projection. I assume the same is true for maritime navigation. I can't imagine using rhumb lines except over very short distances where the deviation


The Oka Crisis would beg to differ. Those were the super awesome Mounties that brutalized protestors.

hasn't anyone in this room fucking heard of Google before

Why does hypothetical you (a/k/a Couric) need to know what recovery from a surgery you're never going to undergo felt like? What is the point of the question other than sensationalism? Surgeries are painful. Use your freaking noodle to suss that one out on your own, and move on to a topic that might actually affect

When it comes to trans people's crotches... if you need to ask, then you don't need to know.

Actually, if facing a Full House, the only logical course of action is to run in the opposite direction before being forced to learn a Valuable Life Lesson set to sappy music.

Estates: Parasites that live off the works of great authors since the establishment of copyright laws.

What does this even mean?

Also, he's not black. Fiyero is very explicitly black (or at least a very dark skin tone—could be more similar to south Indian or Aboriginal Australian ancestry than African) in the book.

Ugh. Dawkins has had some great arguments and ideas in his time but I just can't stand him as a person anymore. He's as smug, condescending, and dickish as all but the worst of the religious preachers he rallies against.

Rake Ronster! Ruh Roh!

Regeneration 13 would be a great time to make a big series change. *COUGH* Female Doctor *COUGH*. Seriously though, I'd hate it if they just dropped in a female doctor as a throwaway piece of stunt casting. But if it made sense in the series' lore as a dramatic change that occurs when the Doctor comes to the end of

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but in all honesty- I despair. I have no spiritual beliefs whatsoever, I feel that this life is all we get and everything we experience in that life (love, sadness, memories, sensation) is tied directly to the biological functions of our brain. Unlike most atheists though, I just can't

Very interesting concept, love to see them tackle how Europeans expect to lord it over the Africans once more, ignoring the tiny fact this is a culture so much older.


America under communism means black people getting beaten up? Isn't that just like America under capitalism?