
"the audacity to say something positive about the United States"



The literal antithesis to an action movie.

Hur hur.

Don't you know the government is controlled by art enthusiasts :o

Wasn't cynical enough for you?

That was the most unrealistic part of Star Trek shows for me. Humans and practically every other important species are universally straight and all adhere strictly to the gender binary even centuries in the future? I call shenanigans.

Don't worry, I'm trans! And I'll post pictures if I do it.

Ooh, I never thought about making that into a trans joke. That's clever. I might actually do that… but maybe next year.

Ostriches, the lot of them.

The perfect crime!

Because Samsung usually executes it very poorly.

Rebel without a cause.

Can we have a "best ship that isn't canon" thread, too?

"They say they originally came from China, but left it."

All the President's Semen

>but imagine all of the predators that would try to claim gender dysphoria in order to change their assignments

I just want to thank you for consistently and intelligently supporting trans* people in your comments. I don't know if you're trans* or cis, but either way you're awesome.

>This is compounded, in a sense, by her stated wish not to have reassignment surgery