I was looking for you here.
I was looking for you here.
I'd like a Wonder Woman movie so long as they don't put so much focus on the fact that she is a woman. Like making the whole film a giant battle of the sexes psychologically. I think it's so childish and sexist when the media does that.
They are extremely comfortable, though.
Well gosh, I only bought plastic previously to fuck up wildlife, the ocean, and the surface of the Earth in general... I had no idea I could use it to fuck up the atmosphere too!
Oh come on, how could a cancer cell infect that!? It's too cute.
For some reason the video is a video of Homer Simpson trying to vote.
I use a coin! Problem solved!
I was just saying that businesses like Apple or Google usually don't do the bare minimum to succeed. In my opinion they've already sent RIM to its death. RIM needs an Apple-like comeback if they are ever to be a major contender again.
When has business ever been about doing the least needed to succeed?
Glad we got that out of the way. I dislike string theory as a whole. And this may sound outright unscientific of me, but I mostly don't like it because it just isn't eloquent.
My friends and I researched this for our end-of-the-year project a few years ago and I can say it's outright disturbing what zoo environments do to animals, especially if you know what signs to look for.
I honestly don't get why, though. Even if you aren't a touch typist, doesn't the light from the screen give you enough light to see which keys are which if you need to?
Because when Apple releases a product, they almost never have half-baked features. You don't see Apple coming out with a quad core 4g iPhone with a 3D camera, because it would suck. When Apple releases a product, you can guarantee that the features that are included in it were hand-chosen because they give the user…
That makes sense.
"I used to use a telegraph... you've probably never heard of it."
Why do the iPad sleeves cost more than the Macbook ones?