0. Don't live in Phoenix :(
0. Don't live in Phoenix :(
Seems to follow population... except for Ohio...?
Or three separate nations. I have sweet ideas for names, too! Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastasia!
It's a bit naïve to act like we're the only country doing it. We're just more transparent about it and there's more hate towards the U.S.
Eh, depending on how much they announce there and how mind-blowing it is, it could cancel out the effect of Jobs' hypothetical retirement. That's why I think that if he doesn't retire at WWDC, he'll have to do it at some huge Apple event in order to avoid huge stock problems.
@Stevenson: Apple stock would make a great slide if that happened.
Last week I grabbed into one of the bags I had stored in my fridge with Tofurky sausages in it, and when I pulled one out it was covered in mould. I gag just thinking about it now. Mould is disgusting.
Why can't they just admit that there's no one-size-fits-all approach for this?
@Rachel Green: I would ask you if your were still sucking on your mother's tit at 12. I would then tell you that dairy and human milk are different and the reason so many are lactose intolerant is that our body only stores limited amounts of the protein needed to break up lactose, lactase.
Scrabble points!
Maybe next year, fellas! *pats back reassuringly but doubtfully*
What I'm worried about is that it will be so radical a change (especially in the file management) that it will neuter Mac OS X. I can adapt to new interfaces but if Apple starts closing down the system the way that they have done for iOS, I'm jumping ship.
Oh dear, I foresee a rise in Linux market share over the next 5 years with what seems to be Apple's alienation of power users.
@Mr. Rosewater: And why is my comment pink when I posted in Gizmodo—where I have a star. Weird.
@TF: Agreed.
I'm not buying this until it's made with gen-you-ine human flesh. No siree.
: |
@TheAmazingOnionMan: Wow, from those survey numbers Norwegians seem naïve about how fair the world is.
I'm not contending the legality of these actions, I'm questioning that the time and resources should be spent worrying about attacks on websites and also if the punishment (several years in a federal prison) fits the crime (taking down a website and the like).