
Well, this is probably the last one—Lion being the king of the cats. And then OS X will merge with iOS, presumably.

I'm betting they will. And if they do, they're likely calling it the iPhone 5. Because really, why would you want to neuter the dominance and marketing potential the number 5 has. It's so striking, so prime, so powerful and goes along so nicely with iOS 5. And they might want to remind everyone of how secretive

I don't want to berate the vigilante hackers for doing this, because I agree with HALF the stuff they do, but also because this is the fault of Sony and their incompetence. This is just plain ridiculous. I think they could have done it better (maybe), but would is have gotten as much media attention, and

Ah, the Big Lie Theory

@memorium: That would have been funnier.

Attack: Young hacker uses LOIC to take down website for an hour.

Now they need a Secretary of the Internet...

@mnl1121: We should take it for granted. It's an unalienable right. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't appreciate its value, but we can't let them think for a second that they have a choice whether to give it to us or not.

Were you warned?

Hm, well, this is starting to look a lot like the PC era competition. Apple comes and dominates and there's Linux (Android) alongside with it. And then here comes Microsoft and grabs consumer attention from Linux (Android), which fails to appeal to the general consumer in a big way, and Apple, who fail to adapt to a

It actually sounds nice to be asexual. Many times I hate having a sexual drive; it's so distracting and irrelevant. And I would be able to have much more meaningful relationships and be able to think more clearly. I wouldn't mind, at all, being asexual.

Could anyone tell me if the prime numbers are TRULY irregular, or if we simply haven't yet found an equation to describe whatever pattern they may have?

I want to see this Dvorak style.

@szielins: Or, in other words, lim x^n as n approaches infinity is 0 where 0<x<1

Wow, this makes initiating World War III a whole lot easier.

Unfortunately, it's not untouched and the Arctic ice is melting at an accelerating rate. But, it is very beautiful, I will agree.

I've been waiting five months for somebody to say that line! Thank you, sir or madam. Hearted.

@jeric2k5: They would have made a big deal about it if they had gotten an invite, so that's more than likely a no.

@Robusto68: Okay, I'm not Jewish... but I want that, dammit. If only to poke at people sophisticatedly.