Ha! The only other thing I needed was some synth music from the 80's playing in the background.
Ha! The only other thing I needed was some synth music from the 80's playing in the background.
It's actually sort of comforting to hear this sort of thing has happened to other people, because back then I honestly just thought I was losing my mind. Even now, it's one of those things you look back on and think, "Did that really happen the way I think it did?"
I'm sorry! If it makes you feel better, I'm going to sit down and read all these stories tonight in my empty house while thunderstorms springing from an oncoming cold front rage outside. We'll be sleepless forever together!
I've actually never told anyone this story before; I'm a skeptic and sometimes have trouble believing even my own experiences if they don't fall into the purview of what is explainable and rational. Call it an adorable quirk. But, since this is all anonymous and in the spirit of Halloween, I present to you the tale of…
Word to your mother, foo'.
'83 baby represent! My nostalgia extends as far as seeing an old toy I remember in the Goodwill, pointing and saying "Ha, I remember those!" and walking away. I'm not saying a few favorite 90's cartoons aren't sorted into my YouTube account's playlists or that there isn't still a Simba stuffed animal lurking in the…
The real irony is that grungy-90's young people did not, for the most part, show that much initiative. There were Phish concerts to attend, after all.
I grew up in the 90's. I loved the 90's. But I am starting to get sofa king tired of this 90's nostalgia, especially from the whipper-snappers who were born in '97 or '98. Silence, child. You know not of these things of which you nostalgize about. I have nostalgia fatigue.
Next up for the GOP: Trying to repeal minimum wage laws in the name of "job creation" and "freedom." Seriously. Just watch.
Anyone else find it weird that Republicans decry regulations in every other industry as "unnecessary government intervention" and "job killers", but don't mind putting ridiculous and completely unneeded regulations on abortion clinics? It's almost like they're hypocritical asshats or something!
Yep, came here to say the same. I only caught about 20 minutes of this debate, but the fact-check smack-down happened while I was watching, and it was so, so satisfying because it was obvious that Romney was caught completely off-guard. I agree - fact check throughout the whole debate. There are certain segments of…
I'm glad you're ok! I'm sure there are people with healthy lifestyles who have strokes - in the case of my friend, I can't be sure what caused it, but he smoked a lot, was sedentary and ate a lot of junk, which certainly wouldn't have helped matters any.
A friend of mine had a stroke a few years ago at the age of 27. Now he has no short-term memory, can't work, and isn't at all like the person we used to hang out with nearly every weekend. It scared the shit out of me and I stopped smoking, started walking to work almost every day for exercise, and eat a lot less…
I got to meet and hang out with 3 members of the female baseball teams that inspired A League of Their Own last year for a program I put together. All of them were still with-it and awesome, and still called each other by the nicknames they'd gotten on those teams. One of them was even an extra in that movie and…
The cage is maybe the size of a standing birdcage (but not one of the huge ones), and both chinchillas I had were pretty affectionate and wanted human contact! They're good pets.
I don't have pet rats now, but I used to, and I really liked having them. They are very intelligent and clean! If you only want quiet, what about a chinchilla? They are brilliant pets!
Just want to thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement last night when I had to take my dog to the vet for a foot problem! I didn't reply to many people because I went to bed early and only just now checked - so thank you everyone who replied! He's doing fine and I've been spoiling him rotten today (here…
It was on his thumb toe (for lack of a better term)...it just grew in a circular way until it penetrated the pad. If that makes any sense.
So, I happened to look down at my dog tonight and saw that the toe pad on one of his back paws was really swollen. I got a better look at it - ingrown toenail, bleeding a little bit, and the nail really looked embedded. Flew off the couch, called the vet at home (he's cool with this), and asked if I could come in…