

This guy lives in the town next to mine. We’ve got a lot of rootin-tootin’-Trump-supporter-pull-yerself-up types around here, but unilaterally everyone is just very saddened by this and feels this couple was completely failed by the system.

See, this is the way it works at my place: I work in a different building than my bosses. They are here really early, and here really late, although I can’t verify either of those, as I arrive on time and leave on time, nor can I say whether they get any work accomplished aside from making more busywork work for me.

More articles like this one, please! This was excellent.

A little late to the party, but here goes.

Yes! I remember we seriously had like a week off of school. Winter break ended up being a month long.

My beloved grandfather passed away three days after Christmas in 1998. This, naturally, triggered an outpouring of emotion from my mother (his only child), me (his only grandchild) and my father (for whom my grandfather had been a father-figure) and a perilous journey three hours north to South Bend, Indiana from

Now playing

True story: I knew my best friend and I were, in fact, best friends when we both admitted that this is our go-to “high and/or drunk as shit” video:

With the "religious freedom" bill bullshit of last week and now this, my home state certainly is distinguishing itself lately.

I didn't seriously injure myself, but it was the type of injury that could only be sustained through the course of being a douchy teenager.

No, you guys. Just no. Because one year when I was 15, I got a ventriloquist dummy from my aunt. Why? I've got no fucking clue. I'd never asked for one. Never shown the slightest interest in ventriloquism AT ALL. In fact, ventriloquist dummies freak me out (thanks, Goosebumps!). She must have just seen it and "You

This might be cheating, because I submitted this one a few years ago to Jez (see? I'm trustworthy enough to get out of the greys - I'm an old timer!), but it remains the worst Thanksgiving:

Even as I watch a 27-year-old witch dump half of her Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee over a 17th century grave in the town's historic cemetery as means of tribute, I'm still having fun.

Not gonna lie, I'm going to drink copious amounts of wine and watch the shit out of this. I'm fully aware that I am part of the problem.

Oh, man. Ain't no poop story like a camp counselor's poop story.

I live in the city where this thing was pulled out of the water, and at least one other guy caught a similar animal last week. I don't know if this is actually a mantis shrimp - it would be an absolutely monstrous mantis shrimp if it is - but we've had a lot of problems with runoff into the water here in the last few

I worked at a call center for biomedical supplies for 1.5 years right after college. The stress was insane. Reps who had seemed completely stable and happy when they started the job committed suicide at the rate of 2-3 a year. The metrics they wanted us to hit were completely unrealistic, especially since so many of

Mpreg is huge in Sherlock fandoms. I've been a reader of Sherlock Holmes fanfic for over a decade (my personal preference is for ACD book-based stories with no slash, and written as closely to the canon as possible, but meh, others like what they like), and it wasn't until the BBC Sherlock that these mpreg stories

Definitely had to be my freshman year roommate. She had been home-schooled her entire life and her first night in the dorm with me was her first night away from home, ever. She had a strange accent that I couldn't place until I realized that she spoke like a toddler - her "r" was a "w", her voice would become very

The weather's shitty and my friends are sick, so I'm not sure about fireworks tonight, but I've got a cat on my lap, a Twilight Zone marathon on TV, and dinner thawing in the kitchen. So be it!