
Doing a little job searching tonight and ran across a job that is something I'm really interested in getting into, but it is oddly specific and I'm not sure how I'd become qualified to do it (and internet searches in the past have turned up very little). Would it be weird to email the company and say something like,

I've never shat myself but I do enjoy a good poop story. But I feel weird asking for a "best poop story" thread - that might be more up Gawker's alley. However, there is nothing in this world as satisfying as a good toilet session.

I think I've got the opposite problem: I was so desperately poor for so long that now that I have money, I feel incredibly guilty spending any money on stuff I want, rather than need.

It is slowly beginning to dawn on me that I'm not the crazy one. It's just that many of the people around me are crazy. I don't even know how to describe it. I have never lived nor worked around stranger people than I do in this town and this job. And not strange in a funny, kooky way - it's more of a feeling of, "I

Breen is my middle name. I IS A COLOR.

Does anyone else ever look forward to articles like this because they find it humorous that so many commenters work themselves into a frothy-mouthed rage every time Olive Garden is mentioned on any Gawker site? And they defend it with the "But...but...Midwesterners!" trope? Ah, Gawker sites, I do admire your spirit -

Or you could be like several people I've known who pine so obsessively for fictional characters that every potential real-life partner can't possibly measure up. I am certain this is where astral marriages came from.

Neat. What kinds of things are you guys looking for? What's your scope? Are there themes for each issue?

I'm touched and honored!

Nope. I went to quite a few HS football games and hated them (I was a band geek, so I had to be there). But, hearing the cheers and the band from a distance...that's nice. It's nice because you're not there.

I'm not into football, but I have this weird love of living near enough to a high school that I can hear all the cheers from the crowd, the announcer when he gets excited, and the marching band play at halftime. I think it's because I'm a Midwesterner, but nothing feels so home-ish and familiar to me in the autumn

Every time I see a picture of Ryan Lochte, I think to myself, "Ryan, enjoy it now. This is not going to last."

Oh my darling, you did the right thing. You did it just right. Addiction is a heinous, beastly monster to grapple with, and although I don't know you, I am so proud that you took the steps you did. As others have said, this is not a moral failing. You fell down. That's all. You're on your way to standing back up.

That's rough. I've been there. I also went to grad school thinking it would help me out of a rut and move towards my goals, but all it really did was put me in a load of debt and I'm still in the same job - at almost the same salary - as I was when I started grad school. Fortunately I got wise a year into it and left

I will never understand why the majority of Americans somehow think that taxpayer dollars go further or spend better than regular dollars, and therefore government workers should be paid shit with few benefits and as little money as possible should be put into social infrastructure - and then they get angry when

God, I miss Jezebel.

It was with the "old" privilege denying dude (in the jacket) before the changeover to the "new" privilege denying dude...but that's very close!

There is this awesome meme pic (that I cannot find now) with a condescending dude going, "Hey, I'm just telling it like it is. It's not my fault that your lived experiences contradict my half-assed conjecture." That always sort of summed it up for me.

God dammit. I was planning on going there this weekend to pick up some supplies for an art project I'm working on; now, I can't in good conscience support this place. This issue is too important to me. Sigh. It's internet shopping I go...

That's just shitty. There was one party my co-worker invited a bunch of us to that I had really been looking forward to because I wanted to get to know her and my co-workers better, and it turned out to be a Pampered Chef thing. There's just a nugget of feeling betrayed any time it happens.