
I know! My first indication should always be when the person goes out of their way to call it a "dinner party"...because most of the people I know don't call it that. It's more, "Hey, come over to my place and we'll have dinner and booze"; but I, too, sometimes get swept up in the "I'm an adult! I'm going to a dinner

Christ, every once in a while I unknowingly accept a dinner party invitation and only realize after I walk in the door that it's one of these types of parties. Your brain starts screaming, "It's an ambush! Retreat! Retreeeeat! but naturally you're ensnared by your own sense of politeness by then.

Thanks! Sitting here watching Sherlock and waiting, but I'd be surprised if I heard anything tonight.

YES. CRACKED. I have been working up the courage to submit something for the last 2 months.

In my mind, there are only two legitimate reasons to not vote: one, you really don't like either candidate, or two, you don't feel you're well enough informed to make a decision. I don't advocate galloping in on the wind of but you've got to vote or else! but I have, in the past, mentioned to my [girl]friends things

Submitting my first article pitch to a comedy website. Scared! Drunk! Waiting for replies!

Amen about missing Fred Rogers - he was an everyday fixture in my life when I was a kid, too. I don't get the tone of this article. Mr. Rogers was fucking awesome.

Yep, I get that feeling too. Also, if any public institution or service beyond the military is ever mentioned, you get a ten minute run-down as to why this country would be so much better if everything was privatized. And whatever you do, don't mention your cousin on disability - you'd have to clear your schedule for

That's the spirit!

Warhol did it first, and better. I stand by my evaluation. And if a $290 paper lunch bag was conceived in a "fever-dream", I will eat my own ass.

I realize I'm a philistine and that I just don't get it (because my "artsy" acquaintances have told me this), but no matter what the types of people who buy this say, this is about the price and the name. It has nothing to do with art. Such an argument is completely disingenuous. If this same bag, sans label, sat on a

These images aren't technically NSFW

Man, there is some truly hateful shit in these comments. There's even a good dose of self-loathing shit in these comments. I'm backing the hell out now while I still can.

I hope Katie at least teaches her kid where the brakes are on a bike. That was one crucial part of the lesson that my dad left out. This soon caused a spectacular head-on collision with a mailbox when I didn't know how to stop my bike (which felt like it was going 300mph and therefore my feet would totally burn off if

This one is being publicized like it's this years Harry Potter

Honestly, the biggest thing is just deciding there's a problem and that you want to quit. A lot of smokers embark on quitting without really wanting to quit, and those are the ones who almost always relapse. It is so important that you've identified that cigarettes are taking a toll on your health/wallet, and that you

All my friends in food service have told me the same thing - that the only reason you'll get a break is if you're a smoker and you need a smoke! So I think it would be very easy to fall into the addiction in that line of work. Not to get all nostalgic, but cigarettes were pretty damn delicious after a big yummy

Yep. Gawker Media has always had a faint whiff of classism in their commentariat (although the majority of them are pretty cool). There are some who, deep down, seem to believe that unless you have a liberal arts degree from an appropriately intellectual major from an Ivy League university and/or live in NYC, you

It's down to me and one other friend who quit around the same time - everyone else has started up again.

Thank you! It's been sort of hellish but I don't want to return to smoking. There are too many negatives to starting up again, including the whole dying-a-slow-painful-death thing, but I still want one.