
“Hope” in Kryptonian means a boot stamping on a human face, forever.

I just saw it and it’s a mixed bag.

I have a feeling that some day people will look back on these times and shake their heads that we didn’t see the possibilities sooner, that we still believed that we were bound and shackled to formats, believing they would exist forever separate from each other. Our media are going to merge and what is now strictly

I always found invulnerability to be a particularly hard one to figure out. I can accept the idea your skin is so tough, it can withstand a lot of damage, but complete immunity to something like being hit by a bullet in the eye and not even blink ...

BvS always felt to me like they had a brainstorming session, called out “What if Superman this, or what if Lois Lane that ?”somebody took notes and proclaimed “This movie writes itself !!!” and then never bothered running by a seven-year old to remove all the dumb mistakes they made.

The world was globalized in 1900 to a high degree, two world wars and a cold war were a major setback, international stock trade for instance only exceeded this by the late 80's. You could travel from Scotland to Istanbul and not even have to show your passport once. People worked abroad and enjoyed a freedom we

Boy the new 16K ultra-high definition season of Futurama looks horrible ...

It’s just a political trick. Blame the president for everything loud enough and voters will trickle to your side.

You forgot to mention the all-important “Grounded in reality” the magical incantation only works when you use the terms, Dark, Gritty and Grounded in Reality.

This is an earlier one that looks even better.

There’s the joke about the truther who has a near death experience and goes to heaven. He sees God and asks about his theories only to get the answer that there is no conspiracy. Once the truther wakes up he grabs his friends and shouts “The cover-up goes even higher than we thought !”

The terrain is fairly featureless and has changed a lot since the battle. It’s still agricultural land, but made with modern machines so the ploughing furrows are deeper and more regular than it would have been in the middle ages.

I can tell you from firsthand experience that the ground there is clingy when wet. Given enough people and horses going over that field and people would soon find themselves in knee-deep churned mud. That’s very unfavourable terrain to be in as you are much more likely to lose your footing or find it harder to roll

First of all the assumption that armour made you next to immobile is simply an assumption made by people years ago and nothing but guesses.

Jon is not allowed to know that he’s related to Dany. I don’t see her as a major protagonist, she’s the balancing factor, her dragons and the White Walkers will wipe each other out, probably leaving her to lose her marbles only to meet the sharp end of Jon’s sword. Dany isn’t going to end up on the throne, and neither

10-gauge slugs, anything smaller would just make it angry ...