
No it won’t. This mission won’t put so much as a dent in the beliefs of the moon landing truthers. In fact if anything they are excited about this because it will give them new material spin and rant about on their blogs and YouTube channels. They’ll say that the Germans are in on the conspiracy. They’ll say that the

The problem with a cheap knife is not taking an edge, the problem is keeping an edge.

On Pandora, you’ll find floating islands, buried unobtanium, and unusually large uncanny valleys.

Avatar was a testament to Camerons skill as a filmmaker. There was not an interesting or involving idea anywhere in that script, but he managed to make a film that, at it’s very worst, is engrossing to watch and perfectly paced. I would have to say he probably has the best track record of any major director. 

You know, “Cool! Color!” would have gotten your point across just as well and been a lot less annoying.

You act like Abrams set out to make an original film. It was a soft reboot in purpose. A return to form to refresh the series, bring in new blood, and make a shit ton of money. It did all 3. They had to do shit cause of the taste the Prequels left. Complain all you want but you’ve gotta realize this was never going to

Still mystified why he would take this, his most precious, gestating project, and put it in the hands of a blank slate non-actress like Cara Delevigne.

Reminds me of Battle Angel Alita.

A few things:

“Superman” who once destroyed a man’s truck and ruined his livelihood because he poured beer on him and was being kind of a dick, committed genocide against his own species by dooming them to extinction for no reason, and only seems to give a crap about saving people if Lois is the one in danger.” Like he was some

I don’t think Spock and McCoy hate each other. There are any number of instances where they confide at least a begrudging respect for each other. They got on each other’s nerves, yes; but just as often, I think they just liked to spar.

Yep. Karl Urban gets this. He gets why Bones does what he does. I’m not sure anyone else understands that like Urban does. They’ve definitely all settled into the roles a little (except Zoe Saldana, whose performance still sticks out like a sore thumb to me) better than previous movies.

They must have been working night and day to clean up the streets of Birmingham for this shoot.

1. Take something obviously eccentric

Hah! Joke’s on you, I never wear pants when I browse the internet.

Always the gold standard. As is Jim Aparo who liked them a tad longer:

Neal Adams is the definitive Batman artist. He gets how the character should look.

I belong to the Church of Neal Adams when it comes to Batman’s ears — medium length, longer than the 60's, but not as long as other artists:

The artists are right, in that it takes practice to develop the skills. A lot of practice, actually, from what I’ve seen in the artists I know. But there is also something innate, I believe, that cannot be replicated by just anybody.