
It all started when Harmony Gold sued FASA over the Macross/Dougram/etc designs. FASA scrapped what became the “Unseen”. To fill the void left by the loss of half of their 3025 lineup, they introduced lostech versions of the 2750 Star League designs and instead of being rare and unique to the Star League, every

Haven’t you noticed the pattern yet ?

Grimes has already been called a “cover up expert” by some. Because you can easily imagine that some conspiracies are simply scriped events that are designed to fool the general public.

Even if you could take the whole lot of them, put them in a rocket with windows and have them go to the moon and back, they would still be able to claim they were drugged, or taken through some elaborate hoax to make them believe they were on the moon whereas they know they were in a film studio in Poughkeepsie.

I remember when the first digital cameras arrived and they promised us a bright new future where creators had far greater control over every aspect of the image than ever before. They said that some directors couldn’t wait to experiment with it and that soon we’d have some specific movies looking like a Technicolor

RTD was the king of pulling a complete unforeseen surprise out of his hat at the very last second and then pretend it was there all along in a “You’re not that smart, Billy. I on the other hand ...” kind of condescending way, but he was quite good at writing large arcs and keeping a story going even over multiple

BvS extended cut was much better in the same way that it is much closer to a full narrative than the original cut, but it’s still an awful, very badly executed movie full of stupid self-imposed limitations that make it nearly impossible to enjoy even as schlock or parody.

Those eyebrows have their own trailer, PA and according to some make more than the girl underneath them ...

Except that the whole thing was written years before B5 was a gleam in the eye of JMS ...

And the award goes to ...

It’s only being made available in Panama, and only 40,000 sets are being manufactured, but some 39,000 will find their way to ebay at vastly overinflated prices.

I would like to disagree on this one. I’m with Mark Wald in this, who said that Doom :

The whitewash aside, what’s being said in the trailer makes me think they must have thought that the original themes would be too much for the average audience to swallow and replaced the original ideas and philosophy with some kind of Robocop redux. In the manga and anime being a cyborg was an accepted fact of life,

Even if he is, don’t think a second that a bunch of people in his wake are just going to sit in awe and let him run everything. The Republicans may have claimed they hate him, but he’s opened the doors to power for them and they are going on a rampage for the next four years ...

Right now your existance on this planet is defined and justified by the amount of money that you can sweat for someone else. It doesn’t take an economist to figure out the huge potential leverage you can get from turning labour into a rare, premium commodity. We could easily move into a kind of feudal or client

Have you even considered the alternative ? With anything up to 25-50-75% of the population out of a job with the demand shrinking year upon year ? We’re either back to a worse version of 19th century poverty or we realize that a human being’s existence should no longer be tied to the economic wealth that can be

The face that launched a thousand emails to realdoll with a suggestion for a custom doll ...

We can only hope that some day people at Warner will run out of feet to shoot themselves in ...

“Dear DC/Warner Brothers, I wish to register a formal complaint, I was minding my own business when the new Wonder Woman trailer was brought to my attention. I proceeded to activate my computator and viewing screen and engaged the procedure to view said trailer. I cannot emphasize strongly enough my shock and horror

Saw Bloodrayne, I remember trying to start watching it two or three times and zoning out each time until I realized that anyone with enough ambition could have run circles around Boll with one well-endowed cosplayer, a few buckets of fake blood and made a 30-second Bloodrayne video on youtube that is a million times