
He’ll probably find the time once they finish the “dark, gritty and grounded in reality” remake of the series in a few years time ...

Looks like the perfect device is your next career move is the “horribly disfigured man” at the freak show.

In TV and movie you can be skewered and slashed to pieces, take a deep breath and be fine otherwise, but a single blow at a dramatic moment can take everyone down.

Security experts seem to believe that we have one, maybe two passwords to worry about. The average person has several dozen to remember and we’re all supposed to memorize random 30-character alphanumeric sequences and change them on a regular basis. Oh and noting them down is an absolute no-no !!!

Maybe a tidbit, but last time they changed Wonder Woman they went for a silver theme and every excuse in the book was used to explain that the red, blue and ESPECIALLY the gold were the most horrible choice imaginable, it gave you cancer just by looking at it, it wasn’t Feng Shui, it endangered certain rare species,

I can think of two examples I ran into over the years, Mantra and one of the Legion of Superheroes, although that one was retconned and buried under a lead shield and covered with quicklime and a layer of concrete so thick people at the DC offices still occasionally trip over it.

Hollywood knows three scientists : the first type is the corrupt megalomaniac, who will let nothing stand in the way to them making the greatest discovery of all time. The second type is the misguided fool, learned, but completely isolated from reality and convinced they are making the greatest discovery of all time.

Given that this is a high-profile potential target, I’m not surprised, what surprises me most is that he didn’t spend a little extra cash on a bespoke laptop that has all the features he wants and none of those that may pose a security risk. Oh wait, I checked, it’s an Apple ... sigh !

Perhaps the photo above makes sense if given the right frame of reference, but it looks wrong on every level.

I’m still of the opinion that going for a darker more adult tone was not a bad idea in itself, but WB/DC made two critical mistakes, first they made it a blanket policy applicable to each and every character, which is the creative equivalent of painting yourself into a corner from the start, second they handed the

You Maniacs !!! You murdered the best character in the series !!!

Next : “Hold my beer, while I vape this mustard gas ...”

If the series makers or GRRM had any guts they would have Ramsay wipe the floor with Jon Snow and [censored for your own personal safety] in the [censored for your own personal safety] with the [censored for your own personal safety] and then go for Sansa like [censored for your own personal safety] while [censored

Please spare me the “But Batman is relatable !” BS. Because everybody is a hyper-competent genius billionaire who can afford to be trained in every form of martial arts and has reach the peak of human physical ability. But a guy raised on a farm in Kansas who figured that he’d be an incredible dick if he didn’t use

What are the odds that you could get a spectrographic analysis done ?

I don’t think I have seen a movie from the last 15-odd years set in the pre-gunpowder age where they didn’t have some type of high-explosive napalm like projectile. It makes you wonder somebody even bothered to invent the cannon.

Some thatched roofs were actually laid so thick and thoroughly woven that it made it very hard to burn, only the outer layer would be singed, but the fire simply burned itself out for lack of oxygen in the deeper layers.

Episode 9 : The Battle of the Bastards

Soon every film will require people to look like a Mr universe contestant.

The vast majority of people who subscribe to this stuff are basketcases full of contradictions. They live in morbid fear of any “Big something” yet at the same time idolize those who make a fortune selling snake oil and no matter how many crimes or cons they pull they will defend them as if they were saints living in