
Serge Gainsbourg said it best :

I’m starting to think that Clarkson knew that Top Gear was bound to repeat itself sooner or later and get boring. He started to pull stunts so the BBC would fire him and he’d have the opportunity to do something new with a better budget and more freedom. And the BBC is left with an empty shell they don’t know how to

Three notable points

Ah Wings ... When you come back from your mission, having shot down the entire German air force, punched the Red Baron through a spinning propellor and brought back the Kaiser in an iron cage, Colonel Farrah would still chew you out like you were despicable vermin ...

I know a French guy who relies on his elderly dad and his 80's Citroen Visa to conduct a business. And it’s rare not to spot a klunker whenever I’m on the French roads.

I so want a comment track by Irons on the DVD as a slightly inebriated Alfred making sarcastic remarks about the film.

Despite his many faults, Clarkson is a very skilled TV maker and has a good grasp of how to bring a subject. This crew doesn’t quite make the mark.

Bikes are stolen for two reasons, one is the value of the bike, the other is someone need a bike if only to make a short trip somewhere. Therefore expensive bikes get stolen and so do clunkers because the thief feels justified about stealing something that “wouldn’t really be missed.” So your shitty bike is just as

Pro bike thief basic equipment : an angle grinder, a large set of bolt cutters and a van. It doesn’t matter how many internal locks the bike has, as long as you can defeat the lock attaching the bike to something by either cutting the chain or cable or cutting through the object it is attached to, you can then load it

Seems to me that the usual problem with fantasy films is the other way round, not taking itself even remotely serious, no matter the original source material. The problem isn’t that Warcraft is in itself a big cartoon cliché of the genre. The real problem is that Hollywood is a system that is prone to dumb down things

I have no problem with Snyder directing DC movies until the end of time, just as long as he sticks to directing them and not having the actual creative control over story, characters etc. He knows how to put cool things on screen, but his understanding of things like violence is on par with that of Beavis and Butthead

When I break out all my bricks, and work really hard, maybe, I say maybe, I can make something which is about 20% as good as this one :

I’d say there is a false assumption here, just because we can do things that seem amazing to others doesn’t say a thing about the feasibility of such an endeavour. Say someone declares that flight is impossible, you would simply have to point out a passing flying bird or insect to invalidate their claim. They might

I never had a problem with the guy, and his Batman films seem to fit almost perfectly in the underlying narrative and tone you saw in many films back then. Remember it’s the era of Azrael/Batman, the Brosnan Bond Films, The Avengers Remake, Spidey’s clone etc. If dark, gritty and realistic is the main trope today,

Trying to pin down a character like Snoke as secretly being x or y stems from the old EU, which treats a setting the size of a galaxy containing quadrillions of sentient beings like Cheers, a place where everyone has some connection to someone else.

Ward is starting to become the Dracula or the Daleks of AoS, the more you kill him, the more he comes back. His “hero to heel” turn was impressive and he had a nice arc with his “new Hydra” plans, but the whole Hive thing was just one step too much. There is a point where villains becomes the focus of the attention it

There is more :

I didn’t know Congress had passed the “All suits of armour must have a lit-up chest like Iron-Man” bill ...

Easy solution, double ticket prices, scrap economy class and ban poor people from flying.

Frozen embryos is soooo nineties ... 3D printed clones are the way to go !