
I read a while ago in connecting with Polar ice melting, possibly revealing ancient organisms that only a small fraction of the many billions of different types of micro-organisms are actually able to infect humans, and of those only a fraction are actually harmful. The bottom line was that humans are flattering

As long as you keep your PC stuff and the passwords separate, the hackers will never get to your physical notebook and the guy who breaks into your house is probably going to steal your computer rather than start going through all your websites ...

Now playing

I’m strongly reminded of this episode of Thunderbirds :

Meet Uwe, the obnoxiously arrogant talentless hack with an inflated sense of entitlement ...

Yeah that silly theory only holds water if you ignore all the war movies, historical pieces and cowbow movies ever made that have everyone in hats and helmets. It’s a recent phenomenon, influenced by the fact that very few people wear a hat these days. It has become one of those Hollywood orthodoxies nobody dares

Why should he feel guilty ? It’s one of those major events in Dr Who that have been utterly ignored the second it was introduced, like the Doctor’s daughter ... We know Gallifrey is out there, but they haven’t even shown the hint of an inclination towards curiosity in looking for it.

Step 1) Feel inspired to build something awesome after seeing the umpteenth fantastic design.

Opened Einstein’s skull, found Z80 inside.

“I finally escaped Death !” Houdini said.

I’d say Warner/DC’s approach is flawed. First somebody high up decided that everything should be uniformly dark because Batman. Then they didn’t have faith in one of their biggest properties and issued a memo saying “Fix Superman, dark, brooding, because Batman” Then they hired a guy who has a pathological hatred of

The main problem with brutalism is that many started making buildings that looked like a bunker on the Atlantik Wall. Devoid of light or anything even remotely looking like airyness The secondary problem was the love affair with concrete, a versatile material that can look horrible in its plain form and ages badly in

And every background character who appears even on a single frame has some connection with one of the main protagonists, so that Spacetrooper on the left was forced to sell his car to pay of his Sabbacc debts he owed Lando Calrissian and Spacetrooper on the right was a bunkmate of Han Solo at the cadet review for the

I recall there being some controversy about other items such a Clint Eastwood's poncho in The Good the Bad and the Ugly looking either green or brown and the exact colour of Darth Vader's lenses in ANH.

I had the feeling the formula was getting stale. Do some trek in a remote corner of the world in crappy cars, done to death. Testing yet another hypercar, done, crazy challenge to the presenters they bungle up in every possible way, wash, rinse, repeat. Toss in the celeb moment and the odd bit of news. In the end

The guy in the pics is wearing black scleral lenses ... is this an affectation or is this supposed to be the effect of whatever gunk they are squirting into his eyes ?

"The Cow-Pock or the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation! by James Gillray was published in England in 1802 by the Anti-Vaccine Society. The etching, which shows Edward Jenner among patients in the Small Pox and Inoculation Hospital at St Pancras (London), suggests the transformation into cows of individuals

Aliens 3 was an OK film, maybe not perfect but it wasn't the trainwreck some people describe it is. Alien Resurrection on the other hand ... Ouch !

Many years ago, French TV executives in charge of children's programming were looking for cheap cartoons to air. They bought cheap Japanese cartoons like Grendizer and Captain Harlock, which became instant hits. They invested in more shows including live ones like Spectreman and Space Sheriff Gavan. The French

It was one of the most advanced mechanical calculators ever made. Very smart design, but it was made obsolete by pocket calculators.

The Curta, I was fascinated by it as a kid and I still kick myself for not accepting it when the owner passed away. Problem is that they go for a fortune these days.