
"So it's fist and knife proof ? Here, let me try the .357 magnum."

The big difference between fan-projects and the average Hollywood adaptation is that the fan project cares about the characters, the story and getting every detail right. The Hollywood types think "I'm a creative titan, a demi-god of art, by shackling me to an adaptation you narrow my incredible vision to a

Also available in analog version.

Pretty good, he avoids the usual "hands sticking out" and "elbows always kept at a 45° angle" but way too many "Superfluous adjustments to compensate for every single movement."

The wrinkles help hide the eyeholes.

This was supposed to be a male cyclops makeup that was recycled into a Leela. Hence the odd look of it.

I never understood why they didn't do a simple fix like making baseline Superman have the ability to move something the size of a small truck, fly at subsonic speed etc. He can go higher, but he has to exert himself, using up his solar reserves and he can still pull off Silver age stunts like moving a planet or fly

Actually Dot died twice, the performer in the suit, Lorene Yarnell of Shields and Yarnell fame died a few years ago.

My nightmare fuel was a 70's science-fiction/fantasy short. It featured a knight-like character who iirc was mourning a dead woman who had a memorial in the form of a black statue. He had a freaky frog-like pet add the highly unusual (Heavy Metal comic) style and the fact that I had no reference on how to deal with

The benefits of vaccines as a whole outweigh any risks by a huge margin. Anti-vaxxers are obsessed by even the rumor of a risk and blow them out of all proportion while they will do everything to minimize the actual efficacy of vaccines.

Remember 90's comics, when everything was completely over the top and every last rule of anatomy was thrown overboard ?

Now playing

My favourite robot is so cool I had a small hand in helping her being recreated.

I seem to recall that some of the guard dog breeds were docked so that any tail wagging might not give away the dog's mood.

That place Monsanto vowed to blow up one day ...

Body dysmorphic disorder ?

I noticed two things about conspiracies.

Radio Shack was the Wild West, the Frontier of electronics technology. And then the likes of Apple and all the others moved in and Astroturfed the Great Plains. There will never again be a time like that.

The real problem is with those who won't vaccinate. In the majority of cases they start as a concerned parent, they bump into the anti-vaccination crazyness that is all over the internet and they get caught in a system of mental constructs where they have crossed over into the holy land of truth, they have found the

She's been a staple of kid's shows for nearly a decade now.