
Something about Atwell bothers me, dunno what, just getting a negative vibe from her. She's not a bad actress or anything, I can't seem to grok her somehow.

I wonder what causes that huge muzzle flash ? Is that due to the high velocity compressing the air causing it to heat up violently ? Or is there a secondary explosive charge involved ?

There has been a lot of contention in historical circles about the veracity of Soviet losses on the Eastern Front, German figures, usually the only source have often been taken at face value, when similar reports of Western Allied losses such as ships sunk and tanks destroyed on the Western Front show a marked

Behold, the Troy McLure residence ...

Now playing

Take a piece of paper and draw a small, barely visible dot on it. Now imagine that dot is the size of the known universe (ridiculously big) a single planck space would be about the size of the dot on the piece of paper in relation to the dot the size of the universe, atoms would still be the size of clusters of

Whenever there is a crisis and the alarm goes the B2 bomber reluctantly comes out of bed, looks outside, decides there is too much dust in the air that could hurt its skin and goes back to bed. The B1 hits the snooze button and waits for the crew to come and rub it with the etheric oils of seven different endangered

Apache is a ground attack craft, better get an F-15 or F-22 to deal with it.

Somebody mistook the Brady Bunch for the Teen Titans in this one.

If I want to go to the shops to do some groceries after work, and do it fully legally, I'd have to cross a busy road, drive on for a fair bit cross a highway ramp then cross the busy road again, backtrack half a mile in the opposite direction on the same road, turn at a gas station where driving over pedestrians and

I like to think that all those men and women who perform inside ridiculous, uncomfortable costumes all end up being huge Hollywood stars who have to hire detectives and hackers to hide all evidence that they once had to do a thoroughly humiliating job. So be nice next time somebody in a fur suit walks up to you, they

There was a TNG episode where they mention the plasma conduits inside the console ruptured, injuring/killing the crewman handling it. It's the same design philosophy that insists that the fuel tank and fuel lines are an integral part of the driver's seat and dashboard of a car.

Noticed this thought crossing my mind : "This may well be Marvel's Green Lantern" Not getting any vibe from it, even GOTG had something from the first moment. Given that the great unwashed have no clue about the actual Marvel Universe, I'm betting people will go "Is this serious or a sendup ? I'll just wait for

What strikes me is not how things have changed, but how much they are still the same, if you look at vintage films or pictures you can often deduce the decade it was shot in and there are clear style differences from one decade to another and it's hard to mistake somebody from 1930 for a 1950 shot. But somewhere in

Q gives full sentience to the newts Capt Janeway and Tom Paris spawned in Threshold, they get a big giant starship and demand to know what happened or they will blow up Earth ...

A Trek relaunch would require all the characters to be constantly bickering, plotting against each other and hate each other's guts because CONFLICT = CHARACTER=PLOT+GRIMDARK=EVERYTHING THE AUDIENCE CRAVES !

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

I'd say Hollywood ruined SF. They went from adapting SF works from various sources to defining themselves as the ultimate, all-knowing, infallible source of all that constitutes SF. Who cares if your name is Asimov or Clarke and that you sell millions of books, Hollywood will betterify your story by changing

I'd have Daenerys on the brink of victory only to be shot down by an assassin King Robert set up for her eventual return, her dragons out of control go on a rampage and level King's Landing before flying off over the sea never to be seen again. Baelish's head ends up as a chamber pot, Snow dies and becomes a Dire

"I'm not a racist, but the Star Wars canon says ..." = Enough reason to never talk to such people ever again.