
"Scientists have been wrong before" the stock reply you get when you try to address some of those points and it often boils down to the idea that scientists merely make random guesses and that one's "infallible common sense" and willingness to believe any snake oil peddler or their erroneous beliefs is just as good

Marcia Lucas pretty much saved George's bacon. Of course a bitter divorce later, a big hangover from Star Wars and the hands off approach of ESB and ROTJ meant that Lucas had to exorcise some major demons and prove it was always he and he alone that made Star Wars really work by making a ton of money with the

"Ellen Kushner (The Privilege of the Sword) says she gets tired of hearing this term. "Characters are not supposed to be relatable. You're not supposed to feel lke they're your pal, or they're you," she says. "The characters are supposed to open you up and explode you. You're supposed to engage with your feelings

The sea reptile had me scratching my head. It's supposed to be a Lipleurodon/Predator X, but it's about ten times bigger (because bigger !!!!). The pool area must be a deep underwater trench for it to have any room to move at all.

Voyager "Distant Origin" Not as bad as "Threshold", but it smells like week old T-Rex poodoo ...

Every six months you get someone who honestly believes their NYT bestseller will topple the existing church hierarchies and re-write history as we know it. Anything short of actual divine intervention will do little to put a dent in the Big Religious Corporation in Rome.

No, they will dangle this to us for a while and then return to N52 with a vegeance because they decided it's soooo much cooler.

1) Scientists as the most unimaginative, dogma-driven, evil power-grabbers that only exist to suppress new discoveries and maintain the status quo, only to royally fuck up things and leaving the disgraced, lone-wolf hero to fix the problem and single-handedly reveal the truth and save the day.

Good episode, but we'll have to wait a while before we finally get a Master that doesn't mistake being crazy and unhinged for being evil ...

Could the discovery of something as tiny as a microbe have a seismic effect?

I have this feeling that they will drop the ball on this, somebody will come along and say the ratings drop is due to having too much specialized interest programming that drives away viewers and double up on reality shows and wrasslin' ... see it merely as a stay of execution rather than an epiphany that ushers in a

It's similar to Fomenko's New Chronology. They usually deal with criticism by claiming that the vast majority of historians just work within the faked timeline and don't know better. They claim that the people who did the forgery knew enough about astronomy to match up eclipses and comets etc. That all external

Pink's relationship with Oswald is a prime trope example of "if only people sat down together for a few minutes and had an actual conversation."

To be honest I find that a lot of Dr Who episodes do have major lapses in logic, are profligate in the handwaving department, and have far too many "big cosmic" events. I tend to chalk them up to "it's basically meant for kids", but this episode is typical of Who at it's worst. It has a wibbly wobbly plot. It

Moved from a house to an apartment a few months ago. The street window can be unscrewed and removed to allow furniture to be hauled in or out. Rented a truck mounted lift for one hour and moved all the heave furniture in that time. The rest went up with the elevator.

In Belgium you just go to the police a few days ahead of time and ask to have the area in front of the building cleared. They will put up signs that forbid parking during that period. If somebody decides it does not apply to them, just give the police a call and they will gladly have them towed away ...

That Tau Pathfinder will get a lot of flak for having lost his gun ...

I used to be a huge Marvel fan many years back. Switched to Image in the 90's and then gave up on comics. I started checking back a few years ago and I quickly stopped buying Marvel because they don't care about individual titles. It's all about the big bi-montly event that requires you to buy dozens of books to

As with all things fusion, the day the first reactor will go online is whatever is the current date and add thirty years. Don't forget to add one every year from now to the end of eternity.

The worst thing about 90's comics is that the publishers try to make it come back with a fanatical devotion that makes the Taliban, Khmer Rouge, IS and the Spanish Inquisition look like a bunch of laid back hippies.