
Actually Liefeld's art is something quite amazing and unique, many artists tried to replicate it and exploded ...

The guy is in his sixties, he hasn't really aged gracefully, but then I know people in their 40's that look a whole lot worse (lots of booze, drugs etc ...)

Jedi may be overexposed, but the one thing that really annoys me is the inevitable head-long dive into the dark side made by every single headlining Jedi. Yes, it makes for interesting drama, but I'd like to see this toned down. While corruption and fanaticism are easy enough to buy into in ordinary life the idea

I was thinking the same thing. How can this kind of force be applied to a phone when they are in a pocket ?

The Maginot line was designed to spare as many men as possible. Breakthroughs would be handled by the army reserves, with heavy artillery blasting away at the enemy and tanks and infantry launching counter-attacks to hold back the Germans. The plan was to hold the Germans at the border until France had fully

I often hear people make fun of the "incompetent chateau generals" and then I ask them what would have been the alternative ? Stand on a tank, waving a sword and just let armies run themselves ? Somebody had to be at the top planning and sorting out the job of the many armies under them. Leading by personal example

In 1918 the French had taken careful notes and they knew they were in a very difficult situation.

People like DC/Warner are convinced that "Dark" is now the definition for "Bestest possible expression of fiction, most sopomphisticated cinematic and literary form, never to be improved or betterifyed. The pinnacle, the rest is just "for stupid retards and morons" who have no concept of greatness."

As long as they don't catch the WB disease and insist that everything must be dark, gritty and realistic ...

Practical effects win because when something goes wrong it's obvious to everybody and you start again. With CGI it's mostly a case of "we need those effects last week and we're only paying peanuts for them."

The problem with these suits is that they are - well -suits ... the human form is complex and very hard to protect while still allowing it to move. Tanks are simple, it's a box with another box on top that swivels and holds a tube that shoots things. Armouring a human being makes sense to a degree, the trick is to

The image is poor and seems like a case of forced perspective to make it look much bigger than it really is.

They got my ticket, this either becomes something glorious or an abysmal failure so bad it's good ...

The problem is not the origin story, but the fact that Hollywood will reboot the series after three movies "to keep it fresh" or something, so you never get to enjoy a nice run of adventures.

A stone's throw from where I live, there is a canal, in 1944, WWII, the Canadians were on one side of the canal, the Germans on the other side. The Germans has blown the bridge. There had been some shooting when the Canadians arrived, but for a few days people who would go to work, took the tram as they always did,

I'm starting to think that Marvel made Guardians of the Galaxy just to fuck with Warner/DC's collective minds ...

Some of these devices are fakes and quite a few are in fact not even medieval. Many torture devices were ascribed to the Spanish Inquisition, but there is little evidence that they did use many of the outlandish devices that spring mostly from fairly partisan Protestant propaganda. Mind you, the Inquisition made

Between this, the documentary about Dune and a few others it's always "We never made the film, it's a shame because it would have been the best move in history and sell more tickets than all the other movies put together and now Hollywood has plundered every single idea, word and piece of design we made for this movie