
It's not just a Batman problem, but something Superheroes would face on a near daily basis. Almost every hero would have his or her share of stalkers, fanboys and conspiracy theorists, as well as the police, state and or other government organisations, not to mention criminals and super-villains, all with an interest

CG can be incredibly useful to complement and extend practical effects, and when properly used it's almost invisible. The problem is that filmmakers want their effects to be ready by yesterday and will pay less than peanuts for it.

David Hasselhoff said it in an interview. "Everybody uses stunt doubles, those that claim otherwise are telling lies."

Chan originally worked in Hong Kong where actors had to perform their own stunts. He's had many accidents in his career. When he started doing films in Hollywood they would allow him to do most of his own stunts, but in recent years he's started to use more doubles to take over the most dangerous ones. The guy

My guess is that Warner/DC is pulling all guns on this one and they are hoping by milking the Dark Knight Returns as the most iconic Batman story the fans will go into a magical trance and come watch it in droves. Being such an iconic story set pretty much on the tail end of the Batman/Superman relationship as a

I'm not against dark and gritty, I'm against it being used as the only tool in the box and forcibly applied to everything in your entire comic book universe.

Dan : "Did you see Guardians of the Galaxy ?"

Do note how people standing a fair distance from it when firing are still feeling the incredible heat. This in contrast to your usually Hollywood explosion that will not harm you if the flames don't actually touch you. Thermal Radiation and Shockwave in real life are nasty uncaring bitches that like nothing more

The Livens device was pretty amazing, but limited in scope, it was too big and static be really useful. The Livens Projector was much simpler and in many ways far more fiendish.

A tunnel was dug to an important position in the enemy lines and the Livens device would then be installed and readied and unleashed at the last moment. It was effective, but not worth the massive effort of building a tunnel right under the noses of the Germans without them noticing it. Huge mines like Lochnagar

Wireless was available, but the sets were bulky, extremely vulnerable, required huge and heavy lead batteries that drained too fast and had a dreadfully short range and even a minor rise might block communications.

Actually the charge into machinegun fire, has been heavily exaggerated by those who get their history from Blackadder rather than the facts.

Marvel's lineup : A Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. The fucking God Of Thunder, a Russian Assassin, a dude with a bow, a WWII legend wearing the US flag, a walking tree and a raccoon with a laser cannon, a guy who can shrink to the size of an Ant, an Evil Titan who is madly in love with Death. And now

The Hobbit used to be a decent film, until it took a Legolas in the knee ...

This happened regularly at our hotel in Spain. Drunken Swedish, British, German or Dutch tourists would do the dive from their balcony. Sometimes somebody came down too hard and they would be carted off with a broken leg, arm or a concussion.

Very handy reference I always get them mixed up.

I can name several reasons, fear, conservatism, the urge to distance themselves from the competition and the cult of deconstruction.

I think we have reached a point where things are so over-designed it becomes a mental illness : Design Onanismania, the irrational compulsion of making everything increasingly more baroque and overly stylized to the point that it becomes painful to watch. Just because you can design, doesn't mean you have to go "11"

Jack Kirby, the absolute best, most talented and amazing horribly bad artist ever. His work is raw and rough and completely misses the aesthetics boat, but it is often stunning. It may not be pretty and polished, but it's never boring.

IIRC the Niger delta if properly developed, could easily feed the current population of Africa and more , but it would need a massive investment into better transport infrastructure and clean up the rampant industrial pollution.