
I make the pedantic distinction between Victorian Science Fiction (Verne, Wells, Doyle etc ) and Steampunk, a contemporary Neo-Victorian artistic movement.

I remember Unreal mostly as one long nightmare that wouldn't stop. It just kept going on and on and just when you thought you had weathered the worst of it, just more came at you. I was completely exhausted after finishing it. That's all I remember anyway.

How did it get into space in the first place ? Bespin city was floating in the atmosphere of a gas giant ...

1) Top scientist in the world on the subject required by the film is a drop-dead 23-year old supermodel who moves like a gymnast and fights like a ninja.

That's Brigitte Helm, the female star of the film. She did a very decent salary, given that Germany was in the middle of a huge recession, people were happy to get a hot meal and a few pfennig for a full day of work.

Feels a lot like 1940's Art Deco done in Lego.

I loved AD&D 1st edition, warts and all. I loved 2nd edition even more. When 3rd edition rolled along I felt it was a massive improvement, yes it did away with many of the warts and it made lot more sense, but it also added a lot of complexity with feats and skills which encouraged munchkinism even more than

I wouldn't say he's a "bad" director, his films are usually fairly straightforward. Which means they rarely have those really weird conceits that you have to take with a huge industrial dose of suspension of disbelief. He's very weak on story and plot, decent with action sequences, but he lacks the magic touch to

Finally, saw this one advertised almost two years ago ...

That and the use of the word "Hero" to describe just about anybody who happens to wear a uniform.

One trick is to watch foreign television with the subtitles on. Alternatively you can watch children's shows. "Sending mit der Maus" for instance is great for learning German.…

Dear DC, remember the JLA/Avengers crossover a few years back ? Where the Avengers were surprised that nobody in the DC universe was terrified of them, called them evil mutants and picketed against them and actually welcomed new superheroes ? You completely fucked that up ...

This version of the JLA :

It still beats the generic off the shelf Hot Topic Goth version from the new 52

Over here you can get Beef Tongue in Madeira-sauce as cheap, ready to heat TV-Dinners ... And every fifth ration pack in the Belgian army contains this delicacy.

Now playing

An official replica of the robot was recently unveiled.

Just wait for 128K holography in 7D ! You'll hate reality for the rest of your life.

I agree that a lot of IQ's had halved by the second season. They tried to give Korra a bit of teenage angst and confusion, but turned her bitchy and stupid. Tenzin and Lin Beifong really had their heads on backwards.

Burrough's John Carter and REH's Conan. And I do the Hobbit/LOTR/Silmarillion every few years.