
He picked the right checkout, "Hier alleen pinnen" translates as "Spikes only"

Superman may not be technically a murderer, but they ended up making him utterly incompetent. The powers that be at DC/Warner demanded that MoS was different from Superman Returns, they demanded that MoS would be different from Marvel films and they demanded that it was more like the highly successful Batman films.

"What was Superman supposed to do ?" Get a better script that has proper tension and drama rather than nasty violence and destruction porn. There are dozen of highly suitable characters in the DC universe that would fit right into the MoS mould, Superman isn't one of them.

If you were making a realistic film where despite having incredible superpowers you can't save everyone, everywhere, I'd agree. But we are talking about Superman. You're deconstructing what is essentially THE archetype of the superhero.

This is what I dislike about Man of Steel "You have to interpret it this way ... and a lot of important things happened off screen" after the fact explanations don't cut it.

I had a big flashback to some of those early arcade games that used physical elements like models, projections, film etc

During the Great Depression people were often sponsored to do crazy stunts, some were indeed faked, but others were real, drawing large crowds. For some people it was a quick and effective way of making good money creating publicity for their sponsors. CF the film "They do shoot horses don't they ?"

I carry one in my wallet, it's very useful if you need a screwdriver or something sharp in domestic and everyday situations. Of course it's not meant for outdoors use, but not a week goes by that I find myself using it for a wide variety of light duties.

So technically we should assume he's making another Trek movie, and Star Wars is just a smokescreen ...

My money is on this

It can get worse (or better, depending on your definition ...)

Trailers gave me this ambivalent feeling. Some of it looked really interesting, but other parts looked like stuff I'd seen a hundred times before. Still on the fence about this one.

I recycled most of my old game boxes to carry my collection of 10mm miniatures. An army will fit in one or two boxes, of course it did end up biting me in the rear bumper as some less than bright idiot wanted to know what the game was all about and recklessly picked up a full box, turned it over, heard it rumble and

I liked the idea of revisiting the story through Maleficent's eyes, but the problem is that Hollywood just sticks to formula and the whole "spychologliligical trimming" is getting really boring. I want real villains and nasty people, not a potentially homicidal loon with a trauma and a grudge.

It's the law, once a Hollywood film establishes a fact, all subsequent ones must abide by this.

The EU was the best of times and it was the worst of times. You had some interesting work that added to the canon, but a lot was either fluff or badly conceived ideas that returned to bite the EU's Hutt-sized ample backside. What I hated most is that every single character who ever as much as partially appears in a

Not much about it, a few seconds of extremely blurry fast moving footage followed by a sudden jerk and if the camera holds out, a static shot until the battery or memory card run out.

British comedy has a very diverse talent pool based on radio/TV/Standup/live performance and they take comedy very seriously. It has a strong tendency to renew and reinvent itself. US comedies play it safe with broad appeal and a tendency to copy what's working over and over. Mainstream US films are essentially too

Brusslels Town Hall much ?