
There should be some sim game where you can build whole Soviet-style brutalist cities with weird shapes and where you can watch dirt and soot accumulate on the concrete facades over the years and see the steel and iron rust before your eyes.

There are three types of cyclists.

No everybody is aware of this, a lot of people who aren't as computer savvy are just using one type of machine because they don't know better and only see the end product without any idea of the background.

They insist it was delivered by a probe ...

In terms of casualties and civilian damage WWII was much worse. Yet we cling to the belief that 150,000 men dying over 100km is much better than 100,000 men dying over 1km ... The major difference between the Great War and WWII is that after 1918 a lot changed dramatically, but not necessarily for the better, while

Friend of mine works for a railroad company, he has a department under him that deals with accidents, suicides etc. People rarely last more than a year before asking for transfers.

This is not about certain artifacts being alien, but NASA making the point that aliens could be almost like us and we might still find them incredibly hard to understand, given that much of the artifacts made by fellow humans only a few thousand years go are opaque to us.

I don't give a damn if she's 7 foot tall and built like a cement Mack truck, as long as they don't make her into a dumb, violent, man-hating cliché of a parody ...

It's too much work, better dig a few foxholes under the rhododendrons and set up some camouflaged .30 cals with overlapping fields of fire and maybe a 60mm by the barbecue and use the treehouse as an observation post for the arty observer ... Mongols and Vikings are in for the plunder and after you shoot a few dozen

People have committed so many crimes in the past, that nobody will believe you never did anything wrong, just come with us or we'll have to use the taser ...

You can't fool us, you're just a shill for the reptillian aliens funding your research into destroying our immunity against their diseases ...

MMR is actually a vaccine. It's a combination against Mumps, Measles and Rubella, introduced at the demand of public health services because it was easier to administer and cheaper on the taxpayer. Andrew Wakefield published a research that claimed that MMR might cause autism, but peer review and other research

She's mostly moving goalposts, she's not really against vaccines per se, but she believes that big pharma just callously throws one bad product full of harmful chemicals after another on the market under the assumption that there is zero oversight from government or international agencies (all in the pocket of big

As a kid I lapped up conspiracy theories and wallowed in them until I realized that there are usually two sides to an argument no matter how cool the conspiracy argument sounds and that I actually cared more about the truth than the conspiracy no matter how appealing it felt.

These people assume that "childhood" diseases are like fairytales, ie harmless stuff for children.

Not everybody can be vaccinated for various medical reasons, if enough people are, then "herd immunity" protects them from harm, but the drop in vaccination means that these people are at risk. That and the % of people who have special conditions and can still catch the disease though they have been vaccinated or

Bah, these kinds of things happen in movies all the time, they set up some kind of last moment twist which they have to completely ignore in the next one. Species is a good example, Sil is dealt with but a rat picked up her genetic legacy, but this was completely ignored in the sequel ...

Godzilla simply has a nuclear reactor inside him, hence the atomic breath.

The difference between this and waiting for a bus for an hour in the cold rain is that you can look forward to the bus arriving.

Here's how the scenario would probably work out in real life.