
Just don't mention him on the RPF forum, he didn't leave the best of impressions there ...

I wonder by which unholy magical ceremony do they transfer the finished story from Wordstar 4.0 to whatever computers the publisher uses to print the books. Does he go to them with a floppy disk seven times before they have one that actually loads ? Do they have this dust-covered machine that's just waiting for

These are highly intelligent creatures, with complex social structures, who need quite a lot of space to remain physically and mentally healthy. It's like locking up a person in a phone booth for the rest of their lives and be asked to juggle once in a while and never see another human being, talk to them or get

We're talking Snyder here, a man with a pathological hatred of colour and Taliban-like fantatical devotion to washing out every last drop of brightness out of any frame. The brighter and better our televisions become, the more greyscale everything becomes.

Lots of people troll if the conditions are right. But they don't make a habit of it. A segment will troll because they are "natural born bullies" and feel reinforced by internet anonymity and the ease with which they can pick targets. They then go down the spiral, because there is no corrective feedback that would

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There was this documentary on the BBC a few years ago, showed that while chemicals are prime suspects, they believe that it's a mix of causes and events that seems to trigger CCD.

Looks like the Burton Batman and the Nolan Batman violently collided with Frank Miller caught in the middle.

It's the logic that dictates that because every genius who ever contributed to science was allegedly hounded almost to death before gaining acceptance, anybody who goes against the mainstream, must by definition be right. They just forget that for every genius there are tens thousands of idiots and crackpots with

It's merely a rehash of theistic evolution. The idea that the Bible is just an allegory for actual events such as the big bang, millions of years of evolution and that God just sat back and watched it all happen.

Near where I used to live there was a corner house, they had bird cages along the garden fence and I loved walking past as a kid and watch the birds. One day I was on my way to the local grocery store about halfway between our place and the bird house, and I heard a massive bang and felt the shockwave passing by. I

I will never wash my eyes again, glad to have been able to see this ...

Superheroes have the same problem. Superman, Wolverine, Spider-Man or Batman can take on any enemy solo, but as soon as they appear as the Justice League, Avengers or X-Men the same enemy puts the whole team on the defensive ...

I'm not saying it was a great film, but I have watched it several times and it works for me.

I wanted to die in the first half of the film, but then it became a bit smarter than you'd expect, even if the idea is a bit weak. I found watching it a drag, but I can't really dislike it as it has some redeeming features.

I enjoyed the first two, much better than expected but it got a bit boring with the third.

Hollywood, much like the US government is a pre-programmed system that abides by the rules in any situation. They just run the numbers and introduce the factors and out comes the same result over and over.

I'd prefer it if Ward simply remained an antagonist rather than rejoin the fold. Maybe in the last episode he gets a Darth Vader/Deathlok moment that ties him to Hydra for the next season.

One day somebody will actually land a probe or people on the moon and will go to one of the Apollo sites.