
The answer is very simple, the current dogma is that "Audiences hate female superheroes, remember Catwoman and Elektra ?"

Phil Cool, before it was ...

There are claims that Innocent VIII either drank or was given blood of young men which was said to have a salutary influence on him.

The bus you just missed is 5 minutes early, the next one is 15 minutes late ...

James Dean and Christopher Lambert are two examples of people who squint because of extensive myopia, the resulting stare adding to their on-screen mystique.

The up side is that all those useless selfies, duck faces and piss poor instagrams don't survive to pollute our collective culture.

Harddrives eventually die, servers are retired new OS's are introduced. There are probably more digital photos being lost at a higher rate than printed photographs are burned, get wet, fade etc ... If something big happens, we could lose quite a lot of digital media as all the data carriers are lost.

Just leave it out in front of Amsterdam Centraal on a very desirable expensive bike, it'll be gone in half an hour tops.

I had mailed him a few years ago, but never got a response, might have been too busy.

Of course, but the talk was often "I didn't take the antibiotics because I don't want to wear down my immunity" or "That flu vaccine leaves you vulnerable to other diseases." And everybody else nodded in agreement, like common folk wisdom being passed around. Must be the original feeding ground for AV.

The problem is that these people look at anything as proof of the conspiracy. Criminalize them, and it only confirms their fears that it is an evil plot.

Of course all those natural disasters are part of the plan to turn you into the slave of Big Illuminati Government.

The info you find on anti-vaccine sites is very convincing, even though the links and assumptions they make are often literally pulled out of their asses. Going through peer-reviewed papers is hard work, hermetic and most people just skim over it and figure this is too much work for them. And then there is the

For hears I heard people talking about vaccines and antibiotics as "attacking your immune system" and leaving you defenceless against diseases. This is just the next step.

Saw it and it felt a lot like "Just look what those little yellow people are doing ... ain't it funny ? I'm appropriating it right now, just like I convinced the planet I invented punk rock ..."

It hurts when I step off a chair or a stool, let alone try something like that.

I recall seeing a series about the history of aircraft and they highlighted the problem with early high-speed jets being the "wrong" shape, which made them unstable , prone to crashes etc. They solved the problem by making the planes narrower over the wings to reduce the enormous drag this aerodynamic "bulge"

The Fireflash (Thunderbirds)

"Here we are setting off these overwhelmingly massive explosions to draw any attention that we are out here and nothing, zilch, nada ... We'll soon run out of stars to blow up."