
Somehow I'm glad that Donna Troy is gone, most heroines in post-52 DC have been downgraded to being either stupid, violent, a broken psychological wreck, a skank or an angsty, easily manipulated teenager. At least she has been spared any further humiliation.

Those models were originally made to look distressed, but the subsequent handling for filming and the long storage makes them look a bit more tired than they would have been when the modeller declared them finished.

I want to like the guy, but after three seasons he's still as clueless as day one. It's just one of those narrative bits that annoy me. The eternal noob, with some obvious talent and smarts, but far better to drown him in drama and keep him guessing.

The Utopia, where one man's dream becomes a collective nightmare.

My mom would freak out whenever she had to do such things. And there are regularly problems at the supermarket when somebody tries to use a card and they get it wrong several times.

A large number people are baffled by having to type 4 digits, my guess is that this kind of system will only increase their bafflement.

Thanks ! Been years since I last saw it.

The description fits with late 19th early 20th stories, C-M is not the only one, but it might point you in the right direction ...

I recall they showed about fifteen+ years ago that they had been working on a cold fusion plant somewhere in Japan and it promised us tangible results in a year or two ...

Sounds almost like the plot of a Courths-Mahler style story.

I bet the first question that airlines will ask themselves is how many tourist class seats can we cram into this plane and can we steal another inch from their width ?

Dark Chocolate being good is a fact, we want to punish bad habits and silly beliefs.

I vote for a motion that people who wantonly use the word "Dark" in the belief it has some kind of magical power to make everything instantly better should be used as radiation shielding for the Large Hadron Collider.

How to make a movie in six easy steps

Could be her, the people involved might have signed an NDA or been asked to keep it hush so the mystery is preserved. I'd seen it a few times on TV and didn't think much of it at first, but I noticed a few odd bits like movement that didn't look quite right. Which reminded me of my all time favourite, Metropolis. I

Over the Hudson River

Here is Carl Bark's drawing sheet for Mr Duck.

Cue the Jenny McCarthy of E-numbers and start claiming that they didn't exist in fruit before the evil corporations that have a vice-grip hold on the food chain modified food to include them and that they cause every possible ill you care to make up.

I noticed a year or two ago that most of the Transformer toys didn't even seem to try any more, most were static ones that couldn't transform or were so simply only a person with the IQ of a wet towel might have to try it twice. Same with Lego kits, my memory of the old sets seemed to involve a lot more building and