Ross Walker

A lot of things are lost on libertarians. It's punk rock for baby boomers!

Tony Stewart doesn't start fights, he finishes them.

That's one way of helping him dry out.

Reid: "Husain, great work out there!"

"players are prohibited from engaging in any celebrations while on the ground." Isn't every celebration technically performed on the ground?

nobody takes up the pitchfork and storms his neighbor's castle for using regular humble ground chuck in chili

wait, the delete your Facebook name if it's too fake? I might have the fakest name ever going on 5 years now

The slow motion clapping is mesmerizing......

Good on those proto-fascists playing military.

Just guys being dudes

A logo with a kickstand. Not too surprised, it's 20 years old and they're finally taking off the league's training wheels.

"The three stars represent the Galaxy, the Sounders, and NYCFC: the three teams for whom we go out of our way to break our own rules."

He doesn't kinda have a point. He flat out has a point. Booze and domestic violence, and violence in general, are directly related.

He kinda has a point.

But if there are anybody in this league who could threaten Goodell or the higher posts of the NFL chain of command it's the sponsors.
If the NFL feels the benjis flying out their pockets because of this whole deal, they'll think it's time for some heads to roll.

It's not like these huge

Thank you, good sir.

As someone who was 10 in 1996, allow me to express the following on Tom's opinion: "In the words of my generation, UP! YOUUUURRRRSSSSS!"