Ross Walker

Robin Weigert is a treasure.

2 hours ago.

"I'm not some kind of beer-rocket scientist."

This is really going to piss off the aliens. Saved the environment, started an intergalactic war. Thanks Greenpeace.

America's Prince is not impressed by your "royalty," UK.

It wasn't meant to be funny. He was being cereal.

Hopefully like football, or Rollerball (the James Caan version.)

I'm part of an entire generation of unmoderated internet users, and besides the porn addiction, we turned out okay!

Oh yeah? When they start speaking our language we'll start wearing their flowers.

I think that's only if you're facing the death penalty. Tang isn't, so his goose is cooked if the Canadian authorities find him.

Agreed, I was disappointed when I noticed the Indiana player's head was still connected to his neck.

"Remember that time you won the World Series and was the MVP? That was cool. "

I'm sorry, Mr. Adams gave quite explicit instructions for the Making Of Proper Tea in The Salmon of Doubt. These folks have lost all their credibility points.

Cute. But Boise state's got to have more Mormons than every other school but byu

We did it twice on our wedding night. Is that weird? Once the second we got in the door. (blush) and again after I finished getting the five million bobby pins out of my hair, because I was going to put that white negligee to use, damn it.

Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.

Not a damned thing.