Ross Walker

Lacky: "Welker popped Molly"

that's not pc anymore. We now use the term dis-fucking-abled

I bet you'll find that the Sackville-Bagginses are behind this.

With all due respect, I hate you.

Theres World Star MEXICANA? Where have I been?

Friend: Where you headed Nick?

Any song that mentions "fags" and "AIDS" gets my dander up, but other than that, while this stuff is sub-optimal, the fact that anybody is surprised by this is way more surprising than any of the nicknames.


NO PEPPERS??!?!?! This definitely is not "everything" I need to know.


*bar cheers*

Let's turn on the MLS game!

*deafening silence*

Very good/funny comment about the Heat. 10/10 would read again.

this woman is not funny

"Small Pocket" teams.

That's an excellent question. I didn't even think twice about calling them small-market. We need a better term, something that means "cheap-ass" but with a little more decorum.

This post makes me glad I found out about Kelly Reichardt through Ray Carney and not Gawker.

everybody is pretty much a mutant. That's kind of how evolution works.

Vince Wilfork is Sittin' Fat Down South.

He didn't mince words.