Ross Walker

Just glad I recognized that one right off. Makes me feel like I've really done something with my life.

For one thing, his architecture's not really that great. However I did read a statement in which he apologized for his past views. This is a really easy outlet for purposeless moralizing, so watch out.

In order to maintain a semblance of her childhood while touring, Lorde's camp includes 3,000 infantry, 150 armored cavalry, a dozen trebuchets, and a phalanx of Hoplites.

This is how the Beatles broke up.

As someone who played the formerly respectable sport of lacrosse, it pains me to see this shit appear as a "highlight." Full-field goals like this will happen, usually at the high school level, usually scattered across various pulsating sores of this country we call suburbia, and usually with kids still learning how

yep, very true. my grandmother-in-law is old school Texas German, most of their family was from Muenster and Comfort. Texas German will go to the grave with her in my wife's family, no one else learned it. the word that always made me smile was Stinkkatze for skunk.

Sadly, German Texas is a dying language.

This is so good I now demand ALL sports highlights to be done in this manner.

Imma let you finish but this was the best sketch of all time...

It's a pipe dream thought up by billionares to try and steal some of California's (almost always) Democratic electoral votes. It will not happen.

The NYE Mets are my favorite squadron!

I'll never get the whole "American Indian" shit. First Nations people have nothing to do with Italy, so not sure why we feel the need to distinguish them from people from Asia by saddling them with the name of an Italian explorer, just because legend has it that Columbus was a fucking idiot. Only slightly less

So, not to get all jingoistic here, but I feel like the IOC and FIFA, are much less sensitive to public pressure than major sports organizations in the US are. You can argue about whether or not the NFL does actually give a shit about head trauma, but you can't deny they are actively trying to make it LOOK like they

Unless Germany is marching at your border once again, sit down and shut up til I need to outfit a college dormitory or a shitty meatball.

Clearly, then, Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow is continuous, but at no point differentiable.

I have no background in skiing, but I have to commend you on these explanatory articles about the sport. I have gained an appreciation for the athleticism and power these skiers display.

Yankee Doodle: [sticks feather in cap]