Ross Walker

The sentence should read "...hijacked his own plane this morning to seek asylum in Switzerland." If he's doing something, he's trying. Also, it's "try to" not "try and," except in very select circumstances.

Counterpoint: you are wrong. A player being able to go as much as they want after the first three is bad ass and adds a ton of narrative to an otherwise "coinflip" situation.

Besides stature, the primary difference between the two dogs is that Jack is at Georgetown because he is a symbol for a storied institution, while Blue III is at Butler because he's qualified academically.

Toto told to 'go back to Africa' for encore.

More reasons to move to Lake Tahoe

Well, I'm from Texas, and jealousy is unattractive.

...more like Shakesqueerian!

They finally put Savage Detectives on Kindle! Not sure if Kindle books make good gifts, though.

You spelled Americanise the correct American way. This kind of non-adherence to Eurosnobbery is the reason MLS will not be taken seriously by people who have made it a point to not take MLS seriously.


El Paso is in the Chihuahuan Desert.

Left unsaid was the lack of investigation the Dallas PD would do if a star player, you know, killed five hookers. Allegedly.

Dupont Circle checking in! Heeyyy!

"The fact that a coach can become so self-assured in that environment that she thought she'd survive an affair with one of her own student-athletes suggests to me that she Kearney saw herself as above basic laws of physics."

What really pissed off all the Texans in the crowd was when some guy from Kansas City asked if there was any sauce to put on it.

And then, Ash yelled "...BUT I DON'T WANT YOUR LIFE!"

Saw the video. There's guy in a cane, that I believe is the mastermind of all of this. He's just there, observing the whole thing!

To be fair, this family history is pretty much on par with those of about 90% of Texans who hail from east of I-45

I'm guessing this guy had the exact same conversation with his editor that Robert Lunn did a few days ago: