I'm well aware, I have one in the game. I'm just saying I'd rather have one...as in a real one.
I have to disagree with Oppo on that one. I'd MUCH rather have a Syclone.
Their car, their perogative indeed. That doesn't stop me from having an opinion. If I saw it in person, I'd be just a quick to say it looks like the material used on coach bus seats to the owner's face. The owner would probably laugh, and we'd both be on our merry ways.
Was 'erects' really the right word to use here?
The difference is we KNOW the rule applies to us, but we (hopefully) take measures to not get caught.
In your defense, its an easy car to forget. Every time I see one, I perk up—not because I like it, but instead because I think "Hey, I forgot about those!"
Research In Melancholy
Well if you put it that way it sounds bad. Think of it this way: the faster phone is faster.
Gorilla Glass is incredibly overrated. There are better glass fortification processes out there, Gorilla just advertised theirs in a clever, catchy manner. Its not invincible, its not indestructible, its just another fortified glass. I can go into a more technical explanation if you want (for starters, glass…
How I read this article:
The comparison for what? The roll race? I'm comparing it to sporty cars in the same, if not lower price range, which discludes EVOs (which isn't even a direct competition to the WRX) and A4s (also not a competition to the WRX). I'm talking Civic Si, Cobalt SS turbo, SRT-4, GTI, so on.
Even on an EJ205, the TD04 falls on its face around 5800RPM. A 16G or one of the larger VF series turbos is a perfect match for it.
Is that so? I guess I haven't been paying real close attention to the subject lately. Last I heard only the Scion is coming to the US.
So the cooler, more powerful bastard child of Subaru and Toyota happens to be the one not coming to the states. Who saw that coming?
Get a sheet of 3M Di-Noc and call it a day.
Hey, at least the got it right the first time. Rey Wart should be thankful for that.