I'll take 'That Wasn't Aimed Towards You' for 1000, Alex.
I'll take 'That Wasn't Aimed Towards You' for 1000, Alex.
There's a movement in my pants for good looking ladies: occupy my pants.
I tried to go against the current and went with a car I hate.
I'd rather have a Honda.
What is this, some kind of democracy?
What is this, a Stonehenge for ants?
Pretty sure its a Lambo, dude.
A custom Super Snake CSX3303, made by Carroll himself, with dual....everything.
Never thought I'd see the day when road signs flashed "CAUTION EXOTIC ANIMALS" and it wasn't a prank done by Jalopnik commenters.
Someone stared into the artist's eyes for 391 minutes before crying.
Corrected title: Hold Off From Wearing Short Sleeves Until Spring
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. (Late response, I know, but I really only log in and comment when at work.)
I have, in fact. When I play it over my sound system at home, it still just sounds lacking, whereas the same music played from the headphone jack of my laptop sounds great. It just seems like the phone loses all high and low range. If I go into the equalizer settings and crank up the bass and treble a little bit to…
My quick answer is Pandora. I do love me some Pandora.
A problem I have right now with listening to music in my car is my phone's headphone jack (both Moto D1 and HTC T-Bolt) puts out god awful sound quality. I've tried to tweak it with some changes here and there, but they only make quality worse. Is there a good Android phone out there (preferably Verizon) that actually…
In many areas, their diets consisted largely of goats chained to poles.
I read the strike-through text. I follow no rules.
Got the game today...played up to Semi-Pro.