You wont have to go far, thats reserved for Amazon.
You wont have to go far, thats reserved for Amazon.
You dare me? Challenge accepted. Keys, please.
I'd like to think that post apocalyptic and futuristic do coincide at some point.
Flint is an awful....AWFUL place. The Hooters is indeed surprisingly good, but the rest of the city is just a shithole. The anarchy aspect is nice though—unless someone ends up dead, the cops just don't give a damn what you do.
Yep, 95 is a bad choice. 795 around Raleigh is a 70mph zone that is never monitored.....not that I speed or anything, but if anyone was curious....
Its a huntsman, not a recluse. A good bit less dangerous, but several times the size, and a whole lot uglier.
If you drag and drop the link in your URL bar, it works fine.
Both parties are very much at fault. The mother running her kid into the street, well I've got some pretty unkind words for her (along the lines of give her kid up for adoption, then drag her out in the street and shoot her).
I never could stand the look of it, and the first iteration was anemic at best. It took an LS2 before it really started to come to life.
Clearly my point is being lost here (probably mostly my fault due to my ranting about how much I hate the car was executed, looks included), so I'll spell it out for those who dont get it. The LS1 GTO lasted for all of a year before GM said "Damn that didn't work as well as we hoped" and put an LS2 in it.
I worked at Honda's welding plant when the Crosstour new model came through. Same plant that builds the Element and CR-V, and the Crosstour was damn near (often within a few millimeters of having to "remodel") too big for the assembly line. It was a huge pain in the ass getting it to fit. The car is HUGE.
The Transporter just isn't The Transporter without Statham. 'A transporter' would be more appropriate.
I remember when I thought the Prowler was the coolest thing ever. There was a rich dude that bought three (count 'em) Prowlers for his wife, each a different color of course, and aside from the confusion as to why you'd ever need 3 of the same car, I was a bit jealous.
Not to mention how incredibly unstable it would be. That thing would oversteer in a straight line.
That is entirely up to you.