I have heard some sound clips of these with aftermarket exhausts, some including straight pipes, and they do sound fantastic when done right.
I have heard some sound clips of these with aftermarket exhausts, some including straight pipes, and they do sound fantastic when done right.
@Spiegel is now a meme
As a 3rd-time bugeye owner (been everywhere from stock, to spinning all 4 wheels in 3rd gear, then back to stock again), I will say they are fatally flawed cars. The 5-speed was a great transmission....back when it was a 4-speed enduring <100hp at 2 wheels. On top of that, Subaru needs to apologize for the EJ205. It…
Ban of women drivers?
Drive an FJ
Really, rednecks? To fight someone because they dont like your car is pathetic. To stab them....well I'm not sure I have a word for that. Pathetic...er?
Torn between NP and CP, but this one earns an on-the-fence CP. Would it be fun to drive? You bet your sweet ass (or its sweet ass, for that case) it'd be an absolute blast. However, driving a car that wants nothing more than to kill you does lose its novelty.
Canda isn't an extension of the US, it is America's hat.
^What he said. Going through the tunnel from Detroit to Windsor is a real letdown, as you'll immediately realize "Wow, this place sucks too."
If there's a joke in the original post, it continues to go over my head every time I read it. Clearly I haven't been around long enough...
Usually I tend to stay away from these products, but this one says Doctor. Cant disagree with a doctor.
Its not so much bashing as it is discussing. God forbid people have their own opinions...
Isn't Subaru Australian?
You can take DiffEQ again. Need I say more?
I don't always drink beer, but when I do I beat my wife and kids savagely.