
Xavier Bettel = Leave Brexit... t


Thereby setting up a massive battle with this MC:

This guy’s got the right idea.

Violent video games, violent movies, violent music, and other violet media is available all around the world. Mental health is also not an issue that is isolated to the United States. Every country has people who suffer from some sort of mental illness. Yet, for some reasons, these places simply do not have the same

HR works for management to protect the company. The sooner people realize this, the sooner you will understand the true role of your HR deparment.

This ain’t it, chief

I hate him, but how did Trump not win this round? Mueller basically said the President is above the law. This isn’t him pissing his pants in fear, it’s him realizing that he doesn’t need to bother with any of this bullshit. He’s not terrified. He’s beligerant.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade then adds that “other restaurants can hear about you, and then they want you.”

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Mueller is totally conflicted and a dishonest liar with no credibility, and his report totally exonerated the president of all crimes. 

Durian or a nice warm piece of garlicky microwaved salmon gets my vote!

Amash was an original Tea Party goon and spent 70% of his oped bothsidering.  Anyone who read his oped is now stupider.  I award no points and may god have mercy on his soul.

“He wants to have a parade like they have in Moscow or China or North Korea,” the fundraiser continued.

Drivers and Police get grumpy with them because they (cyclists) only follow the laws of traffic when it suits them. Run a red light or stop sign, no problem i’m a bike i can do it. Cross multiple lanes of traffic at once, “it’s ok i’m on a bike”. Ride between the lines of cars stopped in heavy traffic or at alight,

If they play “Hail to the chief” and they point the cannons at him I would be okay with it.

I think we all know that you should never be trusted. 

I hope some news channel gets the accused server on the air and she just goes “I say this with great respect: Number one, he’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, ok?”

Why the fuck is the first lady announcing this?