Plus, if they expected the right number of players, is it worth it to upgrade server capacity when they numbers will inevitably drop in a few weeks?
Plus, if they expected the right number of players, is it worth it to upgrade server capacity when they numbers will inevitably drop in a few weeks?
Holy crap, this is all spurious as fuck. For one, all your sources are suspicious, first-result Google clickbait articles. But even going from the sources you DO provide:
The Grammarist entry for “taste of one’s own medicine” (which you don’t link to for obvious reasons) doesn’t cite ANY sources. NONE. ZERO. For all we…
How dare you put that into the universe.
I would personally like to invite those people to go play in rush-hour traffic! I guarantee if those people were in the same position they’d be absolutely 100% milking every bit of clout they have to bring attention to this issue. Some people just NEED to sow misery and drama from everything.
“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully— but they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum.”
I mean, I have a developmental disability and the R word was thrown around a lot when I was diagnosed as a kid, but I didn’t storm the capital and threaten lawmakers, so perhaps these people are just assholes.
“There was a decent amount of trolls popping [up] saying that I supported Hamas,” The Serfs told Kotaku in a DM. “I made a clear point of repeatedly (almost every hour on the hour) condemning vocally the actions of Hamas”
From what I’ve read, the whole bunny suit controversy was never really about “disrespectful” outfits. Apparently it was an event celebrating anniversary of the Global servers. The players in the Chinese servers got mad because they didn’t get the event (they had their own exclusive anniversary event that Global didn’t…
Except the other thing people don’t understand, or perhaps you have forgotten, is that this is a census year. The leaders of the House of Representatives get to draw the next district maps. We know what that’s like because Democrats went to sleep in 2010 and let Republicans have it.
Wow. I routinely wait 2-3 hours in a presidential election year. I voted by mail this year and I’m hoping that option will continue to be available post-COVID. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always do whatever it takes to cast a ballot. But I’m privileged enough to do that: I’m a freelancer, so my work hours are flexible,…
I think that person’s job is actually to go out to the cart corral and bring all of the carts back into the store. It is not strictly to first wander all over the parking lot collecting abandoned carts and then bring them in.
I don’t go to reunions for two reasons:
He literally lies about everything, so of course he had to make the test sound much harder, and himself much smarter, than reality.
Because family complicates things, I give Mary L. Trump a pass - the rest of these opportunists can go fuck themselves. I’ve grown weary of people doing what they knew was wrong, profiting, getting fired or quitting, then trying to warn us “Can you believe how crazy this is?”. Of course I can believe it, what I can’t…
This is for a Senate seat in Kentucky, Ashley - Not in New York or California...Jesus. Your sentence sums it up perfectly: “She supports the Affordable Care Act and wants to get McConnell out of Congress, what more can we ask for?”
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says “You want a drink?” The horse says, “I think not,” and promptly vanishes.