
Olenna Tyrell sends her regards ;)

Plus, if they expected the right number of players, is it worth it to upgrade server capacity when they numbers will inevitably drop in a few weeks?

Plus the implants from all the other vaccines... 🤫

Holy crap, this is all spurious as fuck. For one, all your sources are suspicious, first-result Google clickbait articles. But even going from the sources you DO provide:

The Grammarist entry for “taste of one’s own medicine” (which you don’t link to for obvious reasons) doesn’t cite ANY sources. NONE. ZERO. For all we

I was really against the whole “Bringing Palpatine back” aspect when RoS came out, but looking back, it wasn’t that bad an idea. There is a reason why it’s the first thing Dark Horse did when they got the license in the 90s. It fits the character of Palpatine to have plans to cheat death.

 In the immortal words of Basil Fawlty, I hope it's nothing trivial. 

There’s always a way to “fix” these issues.

How dare you put that into the universe.

I would personally like to invite those people to go play in rush-hour traffic! I guarantee if those people were in the same position they’d be absolutely 100% milking every bit of clout they have to bring attention to this issue. Some people just NEED to sow misery and drama from everything.

London Loki Lectures look like lovely little lessons learning lore less laboriously.


“Fast X Furious.” Because it’s either that or “Fast 10: Your Seatbelts,” and I think Fast X Furious is a bit less cheesy-sounding.

I got as far as “trained military man on top secret convoy fails to notice CAR BEAMS HITTING HIM DIRECTLY IN THE FACE” before deciding this was too stupid to watch. And what makes it even more insulting is that it’s an easy fix: the other car simply doesn’t have its lights on which is how it’s able got be missed by

“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully— but they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum.”

I mean, I have a developmental disability and the R word was thrown around a lot when I was diagnosed as a kid, but I didn’t storm the capital and threaten lawmakers, so perhaps these people are just assholes. 

“There was a decent amount of trolls popping [up] saying that I supported Hamas,” The Serfs told Kotaku in a DM. “I made a clear point of repeatedly (almost every hour on the hour) condemning vocally the actions of Hamas”

I’ve seen some stupid articles on this blog but this one might be the worst one yet.

From what I’ve read, the whole bunny suit controversy was never really about “disrespectful” outfits. Apparently it was an event celebrating anniversary of the Global servers. The players in the Chinese servers got mad because they didn’t get the event (they had their own exclusive anniversary event that Global didn’t

That’s interesting. It’s Apple’s “A” series processors that drove innovation that led to the M1. So it is almost like the M1 is already in the iPhone. The A14 chip in the current iPhone flagship is made with the same 5nm process. The clock speeds are different, as is the fact that the A series is just a chip (meant to

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says “You want a drink?” The horse says, “I think not,” and promptly vanishes.